
The GSR And Psychotherapy

Are they compatible? What is the difference? Are there advantages to each method?

Recently the client with whom we have been working for several months asked a question about these two approaches to working with myself.

I decided to collect in one post the answers to these and other questions. What I observe in my personal experience and in my client’s experience – I rely only on this. And, of course, I’m sharing it with you.

Psychotherapy. Often this method of working with oneself is clearer than the GSR method. Both how it works and how the session goes. It has been used by mankind for quite a long time. It certainly has its results. Those who are completely satisfied with psychotherapy are unlikely to look for something else for themselves.

The GSR is a relatively young method of working with oneself and his or her painful points, it has been existing for 6 years. But, nevertheless, it is actively gaining popularity. To tell about it, to convey the essence is not easy. Because work with a person and his problems is conducted at a very deep unconscious level. I mean working with energy = feelings.

I mean that among my clients, there are those who successfully combine these methods for themselves and see results from both. There are those who, after a GSR session and, as a rule, more than one, switch completely to the GSR method. There are also those for whom psychotherapy is familiar and understandable and the results are sufficient.

What for me, for example, is the fundamental and unique difference in these approaches to working with myself and my clients?

Accessibility. The GSR does not require special skills, years of education, like psychotherapy. It is an accessible way of working with oneself. Of course, in order to become a specialist and work with other people a number of conditions must be met, including active work with oneself, working through one’s problems.

Psychotherapy relies more on some kind of biographical experience of the client, the facts of his childhood and family relationships, in order to bring him to a level of awareness, it is necessary to unravel facts, memories, and lived experience long and hard.

The GSR doesn’t need biographical data or detailed memories when working. It is enough for the client to feel a feeling and a state, to “go down the steps” in feeling himself at a certain moment, and the specialist will remove this state = energy for the work.

The specialist and his purity. When we interact with someone, and especially when we work, we are influenced by the field of the other person. Even though we usually don’t realize it. The result of the work, the result of the client, depends on the stability and purity of the specialist. In psychotherapy there is a presence of the specialist’s personality, a certain superimposition of oneself, one’s experience and evaluation on the client process.

Psychotherapy helps one become aware of some difficult points or causes of this or that condition. But that’s about it. It cannot change the root or root cause. Rather, it can help you adapt.

The GSR works deeper, finding, changing, and shifting the energy and state that was at the heart of the complex process. For me and many clients, this is the great efficacy of the GSR and the great manifestation of the results outward.

I believe that there is no best or worst or any other evaluative criterion for a huge number of methods. The main criterion here is “mine. The method I choose, the method that suits me, the method that gives me results.

Tell about your methods. What methods do you use to solve life’s problems?

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Mariya Astafeva

I was born and raised in Novosibirsk, graduated from the Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Humanities, I speak English and Italian, worked in major restaurant companies as director of development and territorial manager for over 10 years. I have two children. I left my employment in 2020, mastered the First module of GSR in 2020, in 2021 I became a GSR specialist, working with people and their inner states

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