
The GSR Theory

The GSR system is a deep system of self-development created by researcher Dmitry Ustinov as a result of more than 25 years of work with himself and other people. The GSR is a system of Evolution of Consciousness, a mode of life and life style, and a methodology that allows you to work with yourself, your inner world, and build results in reality through specific actions to change all the important areas of life.

The GSR system is a transformational system of development into the depth of one’s consciousness.

The GSR was the first to provide us with a detailed and clear description of the structure of human consciousness and psyche and the possibilities of their transformation and healing.

The schema of the human consciousness is the basis on which the GSR system and its modules (8 modules lined up for consecutive movement into the depth of consciousness) are built.

Moving according to the scheme of development of his consciousness, according to the modules, a person with the help of various GSR tools can completely transform his inner states, his personality and his opportunities in this world in just a few years.

How does a person and his consciousness work? In the GSR system, we move from a more superficial and conscious level to deeper and less conscious levels of our consciousness.

  1. Level of Reaction
  2. Information level
  3. Senses and States level
  4. Spiritual level
  5. The level of Depth and Entity (deep level)
  6. Deeper Levels

n society, the level of Depth is sometimes called the Integral level. In the GSR, this level is called the Depth and Entity level – it is a super-resource of the depth of human consciousness. Not everyone has access to this level of consciousness; for people, the deepest level of awareness is the spiritual level (GSR distinguishes spiritual levels from 1 to 6). What society calls “soul” is not a spiritual level, but the level of Senses and Relationships (the Destiny of the Ancestors).

Most people are aware of themselves at the level of Information (some understanding and knowledge of themselves and of this world). As we change our understanding of ourselves and of this world, we learn and change our behavior (Reactions). Modern psychology and many coaching programs and trainings work with the level of Reactions (physical body reactions and emotions) and the level of Information (awareness and understanding).

The most talented practitioners and psychologists, people of the helping professions, can touch the level of Feelings and somehow help to live them. However, they cannot remove them forever. The feeling is lived out over the years little by little, as far as a person has the resource to live it out. In a GSR session, this feeling is resolved within the person (the Gestalt closes), and it is gone forever. A lot of feelings and different states are healed (gone) in one session.

Few people are aware of the Feelings level (in society there is a confusion between Feelings and Emotions – the deeper one and the more superficial level of the psyche). It is difficult to work with this level outside the GSR, because feelings and states are deep generic and social programs passed down in the family as a kind of heritage that allows a person to survive using certain programmed patterns (i.e. not to invent a new way to survive, but to act as his ancestors did). But these patterns do not correspond to the new reality in which one lives now, and therefore are inadequate, not allowing one to adapt to reality, to be flexible and successful in the here and now, to choose the most effective future for oneself and one’s loved ones.

Sometimes a person can live through one deep feeling and condition (e.g. depression, pain, loss) during his whole life and unconsciously pass it on to his children and descendants, so that they also try to live through and resolve that feeling and condition.

And there is a huge number of such complicated feelings and states in every person’s system (pain, anger, rage, despair, stop in development, inability to do something – all these are not one feeling, but thousands of different shades of energies and states experienced by a person inside as a certain irrational chaos).

The technique of the First Module of GSR, which works with the level of Feelings, allows a person to work through the feelings presented in the moment with a simple 5-step scheme and remove them forever.

This happens at a deep unconscious level. During a GSR session, the person realizes deep down that the programs and feelings that created conflicts and difficult states within him or her came to him or her from the genus, and can no longer replay them within him or herself. The person is freed from complex energies and states and becomes more adequate and resourceful – at the level of Feelings, but also at the more superficial levels of his consciousness – Information (awareness of himself in this world) and Reactions – his habits, patterns of behavior, emotions and actions in reality.

The more a person works with himself with the First Module of GSR, the more he changes, transforms, and creates completely different choices in his life.

Moreover, working with himself with the First Module of GSR allows a person not to be guided by generic programs and increasingly touch their deepest needs – the Spiritual levels of consciousness, and, moving along the path laid out by the GSR system, to go even deeper – beyond the spiritual level.

Thus, working with oneself with the First Module of GSR, developing in the GSR system, one becomes more and more resourceful, happy, and can move more and more purely along his Spiritual path (to touch his deepest needs) and even go beyond these needs to even greater depth and purity, completely transforming himself into more and more complete and holistic consciousness.

Find out the link to First Module of GSR with Dmitry Ustinov this November 2022. For the first time in 5 years, the author of the methodology will personally lead a module on mastering the techniques of the First Module of GSR.

You can also learn how to use the First Module of GSR on your own through videos, articles, training lessons and materials. Check out here.

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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