
A GSR Session: How It Works

GSR Session

In this article I would like to give you some insights about the work of a GSR specialist. How we deal with a symptom. How to solve deep problems and go to our goals through a GSR session. How to find the deepest roots of the problems (some words about our generic scenarios and patterns).

A client’s feedback after a GSR session:

“Hi, Olga! I still can’t get to write to you! 🤪 I have so many new things that I have no time to start describing. We bought a car! This dream was the number one! We moved to a bigger apartment, as I have dreamed of for a long time! Moreover, it was unexpected as if it was a gift from my life. I would say, it’s the apartment that found me itself. I am all in pleasant preparations and new adventures! “

I have long wanted to tell you more about a GSR Session. How we proceed step by step, what its impact in a client’s inner world and how it works for a client in his real life.

Working with a client’s inner world

The work in GSR is carried out with the deepest layers of our psyche. We are working with the internal world of a human being. Thus, deep internal states (scenarios, feelings, barriers, frustrations and fears) that unconsciously influence our choices are being worked out by a GSR specialist. A huge number of these tendencies (scenarios) are removed from our mind during a GSR session, and they are removed forever.

In a GSR session we are working with different scenarios acquired by a client through his real life experiences or inherited him unconsciously from his family system (his parents, grandparents and other ancestors experienced difficulties and struggles in their lives).

How does a GSR session work? Some words about a GSR symptom

First, we meet with a client at his request and talk. During this conversation, thanks to my inner settings (synchronization with a client’s inner states) I find a GSR symptom by examining his feelings, perceptions and reactions which are causing his problem or discomfort. Of course, we work not only with problems, but with some desirable states in the future, which we call “goals”.

For example, “I suffer” is a problem, and “I want a new job” is a goal. But the both cases can be considered as a “GSR symptom”, because if we can just get rid of this state or go somewhere where we want to go, it’s not a problem for us, is it? We won’t come to a GSR specialist or someone else to solve it.

So, the first stage of a GSR session, “defining a client’s symptom“, lasts from a few to 30 minutes in general. Thanks to this step, a GSR specialist finds and defines a symptom, or a root of the inner client’s problem. This symptom we are working on during the next stage of the GSR session which suits just after this first step.

It happens that a GSR specialist finds a symptom and write it down on a piece of paper and this symptom can be worked out by a client himself (if he has the First Module) of by another GSR specialist later.

A client’s inner states and a GSR specialist synchronisation with him

Thanks to special settings acquired during trainings and work, the GSR specialist monitors the client’s inner state, the feelings, fears, frustrations and violations that are hidden behind the client’s words. This allows us to catch the internal source of the problem and work on it. Very often, we do not know exactly why it is like this, our inner problems and our perceptions of them might be completely different.

For example, the query “I can’t earn money” or “I can’t earn much more money” can hide under itself a lot of deep fears and frustrations that have accumulated over many years, centuries, millennia of difficulties experienced by people in a client’s family. 

All these scripts, tendencies or scenarios (“inner trends”) are passed down from generation to generation, from parents to children. For example, once the family went through dispossession and the scenario “a lot of money means a danger for my life, some will come, kill me and take it away” was deposited in the family. And the person with this kind of scenario will never earn a lot, or even if he manages to get a bigger amount of resources, he will find an unconscious way to get rid of it (to loose or be deposed from it or give to other people).

It’s the same with relationships, a new business, a move, plans and dreams. Behind all our boundaries there are some kind of barriers in the path of flow, a resource hidden behind the distortions we inherited from the ancestral system or got through our life problems.

Working through all these fears in therapy (using the methods of psychology) allows you to reduce the problem, to understand it somehow, but does not allow you to remove it forever. The GSR session works in such a depth that it allows you to get to the root of the problem and remove it. And all this is careful. No tears, no pain after. Everything happens in the “here and now”.

Working with inner world

How do we work with depth? Behind the visible small tip of the iceberg, perceived by the client, there is a huge layer of problems that are in the client’s unconscious. It is with them that we work. 

Therefore, the value of even one session is invaluable. This is the best contribution to yourself. Results from even one session unfold for a lifetime. For example, we chose one option in your life which was the worst, and now, after a GSR session which removed the scenarios that led to these bad choices, we are starting to choose something completely different, healthy and clean, the best for us. And all this happens at a deep unconscious level. We do not need really to understand what really come or gone inside us, we just live and act differently.

Value of a GSR Session

We decorate ourselves, buy clothes, new houses and apartments, but who will disassemble, decorate, fix, collect what is deep inside us, what prevents us from feeling happy? In a GSR session, we fix something that has no value at all, with which we live from birth to death – ourselves.

Sometimes a client already comes in some state, which we can see and treat immediately as a symptom. Then the step “defining the symptom” takes only a couple of seconds. So, unlike a therapy session, we don’t need to tell what’s going on. It is more soft and gentle, especially if there is a shame or a trauma which we are not able to name aloud to someone else. 

Very often, on the contrary, a GSR specialist ask many questions in order to highlight various focuses of the problem, to find a process that is deeper than the one we are aware of. But we always work very, very carefully.

How long does a GSR session last?

The session lasts 1-1,5 hours until the result. We call it “a zero state”, which means that there are no tendencies (scenarios) in the symptom any more. There are from a few to dozens of scenarios which are worked out during one session. They act not only on several fields of life but in all domains. For instance, sometimes, working on “a money problem”, we are also improving a client’s relationship with a spouse, children, parents, colleagues and so on.

A GSR specialist removes the tendencies (scenarios in the symptom) layer by layer and finds the root of the problem. Scenarios are worked out in real time, that is, after the session, the person leaves completely different, in a resourceful and calm state. All these scenarios are gone forever.

Working with problems and goals

At GSR, work is done not only with problems, but also with goals. You can set any goal and, by removing barriers in the psyche, or fantasies about this goal, we lead a person to a direction of this life where he wants to go. The person begins to “get lucky” because at the unconscious level completely different choices are made every second.

So, achieving any goal or dream in GSR is possible. It’s just a matter of time. Sometimes just one session is enough, sometimes a series of works. But GSR is always a life choice. Your life, clean, bright, resourceful. The kind of life that we would have if from the very beginning everything would have been perfect for us. A healthy, happy and unique life. It is ours.

Any goals are possible with GSR, any dreams become real.

GSR is about choosing yourself, investing in yourself. This is the path to your essence, to your present, to a happy, long and fulfilling life.

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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