
Repair Of Life

I often see that people expect a miracle from the GSR sessions – I need to go to a magician (a specialist), make a session, and everything will work out and solve a problem or even a series of problems that have not been solved for many years. Of course, one GSR-session qualitatively changes the vector of your life. You begin to see and realize other tricks that were previously inaccessible. But to turn from Cinderella into a Princess is possible only in a fairy tale and that for one evening.

Imagine that you live in a house that hasn’t been renovated for many years. How long do you think it would take to fix it up? Make it cozy and make it something where you feel good, comfortable? So that when you go home, you will say: “yes, this is how I dreamed to live like a princess”. How much effort and money do you need to invest to get the desired result?

I want to point out 3 criteria that are important for a person to achieve a result:

  1. fast
  2. cheap
  3. qualitative.

But the way the world works is that all 3 criteria cannot be met at the same time in any one area. Perhaps only 2 of them will be fulfilled, and the third will fall out.

What do I mean? If we want fast and cheap, the result is likely to be of poor quality. If we want fast and high quality, it’s going to be expensive. If we want cheap and high quality, then get ready that it’s not fast. This can be applied to absolutely any process in life, whether it’s repairs or working with the inside world. You can do repairs with your own hands for several years and it will come out cheaper, but longer and probably just as high quality. You can work with an expert, it’s faster than doing it yourself and probably higher quality, but more expensive. You can choose an expert, then the process will be faster, better quality, but more expensive.

The problem area in a person’s life is like a house or an apartment without repair, where the furnishings have taken on some appearance with the participation of the person, or it is something that the person inherited in some condition. And so he stands before it and doesn’t know where to begin to solve the problem of his life. How long do you think an overhaul will take? Definitely not a day, not a week, and not even a month… Also, areas of life where everything is dead, as in an apartment without finishing, or cluttered, as in “grandma’s apartment” – can be fixed for months and years, investing time, money, effort. Nothing happens by itself, only the contribution of the individual and his resources can lead to some tangible results in an important area of life.

The question is whether a person is ready to make such a repair? Is he ready to invest in his life, in himself and in his future?

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Olga Kokovkina

The GSR-specialist since 2020, PRO-expert since 2021, specialist of the second stream of the GSR Academy

She works on her project of M-Rank Expert "Harmony of Life".
She conducts sessions in the generic, intergeneric and structural fields.

She got hundreds of testimonials, dozens of client cases, over 1000 sessions for clients and over 2000 sessions for herself

The Source of Evolution in Egypt (4 times)
True Wealth Source in Dubai
M-rank training

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