Transformation Of Consciousness

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What is the main difference between GSR and psychology and other practices aimed at working with human consciousness?

GSR allows you to transform your consciousness to come to the desired states and feelings. And this happens in the shortest possible time. Sometimes in just one or several sessions, a person comes from problems and complex feelings to a completely different reality, where he is stable, open to new opportunities, controls his life, feels evenly and can unfold deep resources and potentials in life. Thus, he comes to a reality that was not originally given to him. Therefore, we are talking about transformation here.

That is, at some point it was difficult for a person to stand this feeling or situation. It was felt as unbearable, incomprehensible, nothing worked any more, there was a loss of meaning or closeness, anger or aggression, he felt scary or lonely, conflicted and unpleasant, he was weak or felt nothing at all. 

After a GSR session, where all these unbearable feelings, states and scenarios are worked through to a pure, resourceful state, a person can come to a completely new reality within himself, where there are no these complex feelings or states any more. 

A GSR session allows us to get out of an unpleasant situation into one where we better manage our life and the reality around us, we feel more stable and make clearer choices that lead us to a completely different reality in the future.

In psychology or other helping practices, there is no possibility, while working with complex and unbearable feelings and states, to remove them forever. Here, for example, in a common therapy, a person in many ways tries to understand what is happening in his life, to feel it, to accept and come to terms with it. 

For example, do I have resentments against my parents? I am learning to accept and forgive them. And now it seems that the reality inside has changed. But in fact, the resentment remained, it just went deep inside, compensated by a new feeling, forgiveness. 

As soon as a person is faced with a new problem that brings this feeling to the surface in a conscious part of the psyche, the complex state is realized and experienced anew, sometimes in an even more painful form. Until a person resigns himself again and closes this part of himself somewhere, deep inside. The pain does not go anywhere, it just dims and hides somewhere in the depths, remains in the human system and waits in the wings to shoot in some new form, when the person does not even expect it anymore. 

All these feelings give rise to psychosomatic illnesses. They are like virus programs in a computer, taking our energy for life. Because even if we are not aware of our pain, but are simply aware of some kind of discomfort (a more superficial feeling or even a reaction of our body to it), it still occupies an important part in our subconscious and takes away our strength and energy that we could direct, for example, to ourselves, our loved ones, our business or our dreams. 

Moreover, these complex feelings and states are inherited by children and passed from generation to generation like a loaded pistol, which might fire. when a person no longer even expects it. 

With GSR we transform our inner world, remove complex feelings, unpleasant states in the psyche, pain and failures forever. Outside GSR, we accept our imperfection and learn to live with them, not paying attention to the pain that is hidden somewhere inside, we transfer our attention to those parts of our consciousness where there is no pain, we rely on the healthy parts of ourselves, sometimes ignoring the weak ones that need to be worked out.

With GSR, we work with both the weak and the strong parts of us, integrating them into a new personality inside us. We become with each GSR session more and more adapted to the external world and healthier, stronger, happier and more complete in the inner world. We become capable of living sustainably, moving towards our dreams and goals, and passing on our best abilities and potentials to new generations.

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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