
What Does The GSR And The First Module Teach?

I’ve been in the GSR System for a little over two years. And recently I’ve been wondering, what have I learned on the GSR flow? Why am I still here? Why am I not looking for anything else? Comparing myself 2 years ago and now, I am writing this post.

For me:

The GSR is a freedom

This is 100% true, it was only by working with myself with the GSR methode I began to really understand this point. You can live your life, not play out the disruptions of your ancestors. Anything that hinders you can be repaired with a GSR session. You can realize your desires, simply, easily, painlessly.

GSR is a responsibility

Before coming into the GSR System and working with myself, I honestly thought that I was a responsible person. But I was wrong, deceived and fantasized. Only a year after mastering the First Module of GSR, I began to honestly see how wrong I was at that point, where I didn’t want to be and wasn’t responsible, where I was sitting and waiting, folding my arms.

GSR is a honesty

Perhaps the most difficult point for people is to be honest. With ourselves first and, as a consequence, with others. It is very easy to lie to ourselves; it is some kind of basic mechanism that is sewn into us. We honestly don’t understand when we deceive ourselves. By so cunningly deceiving ourselves, we build relationships with ourselves and others, create families, have children, and interact with reality in general.

GSR is an openness

It’s the most vulnerable point for a person. It has been tested on myself that it takes a lot of work with myself to really open up. To open up to ourselves and to all that surrounds us, to joy, sorrow, happiness, sadness, and everything else that fills our short lives. Another mechanism that is sewn into us is to run away, shut down, and live our whole lives in that paradigm. No person outside of the GSR can open up to these states and feelings, and so cannot get past them.

The GSR is an action

This is my favorite point. I must say, I always saw myself as very effective, there was always a lot of action. But! This made me tired, and as a consequence, my body began to malfunction a lot in reality. And a sequence of these affairs and actions was laying on me as a stone and a weight. After half a year in the system I tripled the volume of my actions in reality, ceased to feel heaviness and to lie down flat. This intensity, on the contrary, began to give me even more energy, and as a consequence, more speed and movement.

The system gave me answers to all the questions I had once asked myself, searching for answers. It gave myself to me. And that is a great value.

Share, which of the points described is the hardest for you and why?

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Mariya Astafeva

I was born and raised in Novosibirsk, graduated from the Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Humanities, I speak English and Italian, worked in major restaurant companies as director of development and territorial manager for over 10 years. I have two children. I left my employment in 2020, mastered the First module of GSR in 2020, in 2021 I became a GSR specialist, working with people and their inner states

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