
GSR Academy

Within the GSR system, there is a fascinating project for those ready to expand and grow into the vast opportunities of their consciousness and life. This initiative is called the GSR Academy (aGSR).

Throughout the existence of GSR, there have been three aGSR cohorts. In December 2023, a new, third training stream began at the GSR Academy – a stream focused on advanced training and enhancing the quality of self-work for GSR specialists. Every three weeks, for four days, practitioners and specialists explore expanded possibilities in working with themselves and their clients using GSR methods.

The training takes place both online and in-person (in Almaty, Kazakhstan) – a location chosen to allow participants to connect with the enchanting mountains and places of power.

Here’s a video from the training that took place in January 2024. aGSR specialists and experts are having a joyful and daring time!

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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