
Small Business In A New Way

small business

Today there are many different business training sessions and courses, opportunities and famous gurus. How effective are they? Where is the point of application of the 80/20 rule, where 20% of your effort will bring you 80% of your results? Why do just a few people from all attending the same training achieve success? And how to become one of them?

Now that I have GSR tools in my hands and some experience in my own business and my clients’ entrepreneurship, I see it a little differently.

First, the message which is very important:

The energy of a person starting doing business or going to training determines where he or she will come as a result.

Let’s take, for example, the now fashionable master-minds (MM), where participants generate for each other ideas and solutions for actual problems. I participated myself in such “brainstorms” and perceived them as a good way to move forward in business, to get out of the usual “blurred” view of my business, and join the community.

If it is based on the fear of falling behind the mainstream, an attempt to get out of stagnation or to compensate for the lack of one’s own ideas, then even with the external liveliness of the event, the result is often a “zilch”. As a rule, a person is not particularly able to apply the received ideas in reality, because he does not have the resources for this. He returns to his “pit” or the maximum advances by a millimeter. Even if more, then it will inevitably roll back. That’s the way a human being is.

If an entrepreneur is in the phase of active growth, burns with his business, goes to MM to strengthen his resource movement, then this can become a catalyst for him.

But! Even in this case, a lot of “surprises” await a person.

I myself experienced it many times and saw how many people were falling into a “ditch”, without calculating the details or taking into account all the factors. Speaking the language of GSR, not seeing yourself and the situation adequately, they were acting out of rank ambition or fantasies far away from reality. Each time, there will have less and less strength and desire to enter new projects or training, which is understandable.

In addition, what is the basis to choose the ideas, where to invest money, time and your effort?

How much are you willing to spend on experiments, “wrong” performers, team development?

Do you have enough strength, patience and money to achieve success?

What are you willing to sacrifice to get there?

People put in so much effort and get “some” results, although the results can be higher, much higher.

Today, you can grow faster, by responding flexibly to any changes and getting much more results in any circumstances.

How to do it?

Start aligning what you do with the GSR tool – at every step.

So that each step gives the best result and creates an opportunity for the next.

For example, if you have the First Module of GSR, just do a GSR session to understand your need to go or not to MM. And then, after, through GSR diagnostics, look at what underlies the business ideas generated there. You will see “as it is” – what is at the heart of your choices, where they will lead you.

Then you can repair dips and compensations in GSR sessions and implement the most promising ideas. Start growing your resources and you will see that it is much more inspiring and energizing when it gives a completely different return, and your business is all growing up!

If you do not have the First Module of GSR, you can start working with a GSR specialist. Tangible changes can be seen immediately – each GSR session or diagnostic pays off faster than any investment I know of.

In my practice, people grew in income 3 times in 3 months, opened new projects in the shortest possible time and went into profit, concluded profitable deals, chose “their” people in the team on the first try … By investing 30 thousand rubles in GSR specialist work, they received 300 thousand rubles very quickly and invested again in working on themselves and their business with GSR tools, because they saw a return.

And when the appetite is whetted, I can show even more delicious possibilities. If you are ready!

As a bonus, a person working on his business with GSR tools, receives an improvement in his love and family relationship and a balance in important areas of life.

We are already doing all this GSR work (online and offline format) with entrepreneurs who are only at the stage of creating their projects and who are developing existing ones.

We start with a diagnosis of the current situation to unpack the entrepreneur’s inner resource system. Next, we repair the symptoms (do a GSR session) in the direction of his goals. Then we revive and form a living business model based on his key inner and external resources. This is a complete delight!

GSR is the birth of a new way of doing projects, where a person can truly reveal his potential. And also through the growth of income, harmoniously create a new standard of living and bring a lot of value to this world for yourself, your family, team, customers and partners. A win-win.

You can start working on your business with the GSR at any time and turn the course of events in the best possible way today.

Olga Feller (Starostina)

Olga Feller (Starostina) is an entrepreneur, author of the Small Business Growth Accelerator project. She is one of the top 20 specialists of the GSR Academy. Olga works with Russian-speaking and English-speaking clients.

Olga offers her services as a GSR specialist (sessions and diagnostics) and a GSR expert Standart/ Pro (long-term coaching, support and maintenance).

To choose the most suitable way to solve your problems and achieve any goals you may arrange free of charge 20-minute consultation with Olga on-line.

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