
GSR: Before And After

4 years ago, I was kept afloat only by everyday therapy, yoga and spiritual practices (mantras, satsangs, reiki). If I stopped practicing even for a few days, I felt drained and slid into depression.

My well-being was only a veneer. Underneath the surface my life was actually full of conflict – I wasn’t on speaking terms with my mother; romantic relations were full of abuse; financially I was always in the red; my body was constantly tortured by psychosomatic problems. Different sorts of therapy were a painkiller, making life bearable and me a little more sober-minded. But no more. For years I felt stuck – no moving forward, no real change.

That’s when my singing teacher told me about GSR – an easy-to-use but potent method of working with subconscious. I decided to try, and the very first session healed a deep childhood trauma. For the first time in my life I discovered the source of real love inside. And the effect didn’t fade after a few days, as it often happens. It lingered!

That’s how it all started. With every session I gained more power and balance, which enabled me to:

  • Heal the breach with my mother – now we have a wonderful relationship!
  • Cure serious psychosomatic illnesses
  • Break free of abusive relationships
  • Increase my income threefold, fully switch to working freelance and online
  • Flourish as an artist: finish and publish my first novel and start working on the next one, make a few music videos, write songs that people wanted to buy
  • Become a GSR specialist (it means that I can do sessions not only for myself, but for others as well)

But the most important result is finding inner light. Before GSR I didn’t even dream of ending the endless night that was my life – only of making it a little less painful.

GSR turned the tables and became my personal powerhouse always at hand. Small pieces of paper – the main GSR tool – paved the way out of the dark maze and into the life of my dreams.

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