
GSR Client’s Case Study: “Psychosomatics. Allergy. GSR”

Here is an article on how I got rid of allergies after two GSR sessions.

Enough time has passed to describe the result, which was very persistent.

First I will describe what was before.

Since I was about 11 years old, from time to time I used to get this thing.

Any moisturizing of the body (shower, bath, sea, river, just sweating) caused a strong itching.

The itching would occur by itself, passed by itself, and was rarely manifested by a rash.

But for the last five years the itching has become more frequent, sometimes just before going to bed or at night. The whole body just itched so badly and there was not even the slightest pimple, it just itched, and itched so badly and for so long. Labs results were normal.

In Thailand, my itching became stronger and more frequent, it worsened after the sea, after showering, after the pool, and when I just sweated. And just the same, there was no manifestation on the body. The itching began to appear always after any moisturizing. Because of this, I was afraid to even take a shower, go outside or turn off the air conditioner, i was angry at the heat and cursed Thailand. Sometimes the itching became unbearable after a shower, and I started to get up earlier in order to have time to shower before working with clients, so that the itching would have calmed down by the time I got to work.

It wasn’t really drowned out by the pills. When it came (I think allergy sufferers will understand), it felt like I was going to go crazy, rip my skin off. I just wanted to kill myself, but there was no way out, so I just endured it.

This is briefly my “before.

What work has been done:

  1. Work on the GSR symptom “Itching” – I removed feelings that were about “killing myself against the wall” just to not feel it, the symptom was removed after I came home from the street once again, the air conditioner was off and I began to sweat a lot. After this work, I began to tolerate the attacks themselves more easily, and the pills began to work faster and more effectively.
  2. Work on the GSR symptom, which was also called “Itching,” but the feelings there were different and the tendencies in the symptom were about “scoring myself and my body,” about hard work, about figures with skin diseases, about lepers and in connection with this excluded, about strong fears. The symptom was relieved after a shower during a wild attack.

And so after that symptom, everything changed. The work was done three months ago. Since then I bathe, wash, sweat, which is natural, but there is no itching… And this is such happiness… Gradually the habit of being afraid of water, of moisture went away.

In addition to this, removing the tendency to “score myself”, I bought myself anti-allergenic shower gels, the same shampoos, began to look closely at detergents, bought myself special vitamins, began to drink collagen, take care of my skin. I bought shower filters.

And since then I haven’t had any itching attacks at all. Now I have moved twice, there are no filters anywhere, hygiene products have changed a hundred times, but there are no attacks…

All that’s left is the habit of being careful about myself and my comfort.

Even after chlorinated water after the pool, I don’t get that awful itch. If I feel uncomfortable, I just take a shower after the pool and that’s it. And the coolest thing!!!! is that there is a cool sea nearby, and I can bathe in it as much as I want for my own pleasure.

Now I am working with a client on psychosomatics manifested in allergies and hives. But this case turned out to be more serious, and the roots of the problem go deeper. And the allergies receded now and then they manifested. The deepest root conditions turned out to be in disorders of the First chakra. We found it out because the client went to the GSR project “The Healing Of The First Chakra” by Olga Lobareva (I will write a separate case) and asked to put the first chakra base Symptom exactly for this.

What we have already done and what we have achieved:

Several works were done on the sickness itself, which reduced the attacks and manifestations of hives and allergies, medications began to work, before that no medications worked at all. I made GSR session deeper than the client’s zero.

The GSR Diagnostics found the root symptoms, after sessions on this the client still had relief. And it was very much related to the feeling of being a woman and the relationship with the client’s mother. The complex work had a strong effect here: the root symptom, exhibited through the Good Decision and diagnostics and worked out in the Generational field and in the Structural field.

Also with the help of Good Decision of diagnostics we determined the doctor with whom the maximum effect will be (the diagnostics proved to be “right”), and built the plan of work with the help of the GSR, and also in parallel now the client works with this doctor quite successfully. Before that, the doctors were giving up and the client accepted it and just lived with the disease….

Also, she sets the symptoms for the First Chakra, which are related to her illness, and there are three of them – the first out of 50. The first one is already in the works.

At the moment the manifestations are strongly reduced and it has a stable remission character with various minor fluctuations in plus and minus.

We are looking at it further, monitoring it. The goal is to reach the maximum result and to influence from all sides. My client’s case is still in progress. Mine is, in principle, ready.

Personally, I’m very interested in maximizing the result.

As you can see from the two examples, mine and my client’s: it can be different, and the result is manifested differently, and the amount of work can also be different. It’s all individual. But the fact is that there are results.

Each case needs an individual approach. But I have become very interested in this topic. I’m happy with the results and I am amazed at how amazing tool we have in our hands.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Alexey Zamorin

Alexey Zamorin is a Specialist of GSR, an Expert PRO and a graduate of the top GSR project “The GSR Academy”.

His projects: “Weight Loss With GSR”, “Creativity And GSR”, “The Star In Her Favorite Activity With GSR”, “Life Repair With GSR”

He has dozens of client's cases, more than 1000 reviews, more than 2000 client's sessions and more than 3000 self-sessions

He is connected to the Source of the Evolution of Consciousness, the Source of Harmony, the Source of Repeat and the Source of True Wealth

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