
“Eat Pray Love” Expert

The expert hierarchy created in the GSR system gives every GSR practitioner or specialist the opportunity to move more purely and honestly in their development (rank, depth).         

Without an expert, the mentee has no chance to see his dark sides, especially if they are “disguised” by strong resource flows, which once brought results and taught him how to survive well.

Without an expert, there is no chance of going beyond the rank, since everything is built on it. And there is no life in the ranking mechanism.

Without an expert, it’s easy to stay in the usual state and live in illusions of growth, a “ranked state” and not go anywhere in fact.

Without an expert, it is impossible to see and touch the most hellish and poisonous part of yourself, which systematically and calmly kills life in our closest and most beloved people.

Without an expert, it is not possible to see that it is not a person and his abilities, resources that lead him to growth, but the systemic flow leads everyone, always deeper and purer. And everything where everyone moves is thanks to the system flow.

Without an expert, it is not possible to understand the depth of what the GSR system gives to everyone, since a person always appropriates the ranking brilliant ideas of his own development to himself.

The GSR system is about life. Always about life.

Life is everything, both weak and strong, there are no divisions in life.

There is life in everything, the strongest can be burned, the weakest can grow into a forest.

It is important to look into your weaknesses, it is always dead there. It is important to see this, your real base, which basically, without GSR, there is no mechanism to change.

And only after seeing it, there is a way to create life there.

It is difficult, sometimes very difficult and impossible, to create something alive where it was dead and empty. But this is precisely what takes us into the impossible and changes our givens.

I go into this together with an expert, I learn to go in the system flow, I learn to open up to the flow of life.

My starting point is that I am nobody and weak in this, I will grow.

In every contact with an expert, I discover something new about myself, about the system, about rank, about interactions – this is priceless.

An expert will show you what choices you are making and where each one will lead. Which one is done on a dead stream, which one is done on a living flow.

An expert knows more about you than you know yourself, sees deeper, always being open to an expert is the maximum opportunity not to stray from the path of your importance and move on a resource into something new.

I want to share a quote from an expert and use it to appeal to everyone who reads this: “You survive! You learned how to do it! But now we need to learn to Live, not survive!”.

Let’s learn to live together. We were created and given everything for this.

Is there a greater miracle for people?! I think no.

©Translated by Maria Neugodova

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