
Working Out Sexuality With The GSR Method

Here is just a wow feedback from a client:

“Nowadays, it’s a very popular marketing move to add a bonus to a purchased product that the customer didn’t know about or expect. The GSR method, of course, has unintentionally surpassed everyone in this. I am in love with this method because having come to a GSR session with one request, now I understand that I can leave not only with the symptom worked out, but also with changes in all areas of life.

We just finished four sessions yesterday, and it wasn’t easy for me to write a review because it’s very difficult to put so many results and bonuses into a basket structurally.

Sensation in my body during the sessions

On the first session – I saw a picture and felt as if Olga was digging under my feet, then as if she was reaching an underground stream and already expanding it – hello, resource! Immediately after this session I felt that I occupied more space – I really felt physically bigger!

In the sessions in the intergenerational field (Humanity Field, HF) and Structural sessions (this was my first experience with these fields), the body reacted strongly in the process of withdrawal and changing tendencies. On several tendencies there was a sensation similar to an orgasm centered in the chest or uterus. On the reverse HF session and structural session, the brain floated – I physically felt the changes in the mind, it was felt in the head, it was very difficult to focus, so I just tried to relax, thankfully, I already knew Olga and could trust her completely.

The sensations in my body and results after the sessions

After the first session and the first session in the intergenerational field, I wanted to dance and sing. I had been very body-locked since childhood. I would go home dancing and singing along to Rosalia ha! Now I want to develop that. I worked through the fear of publicity. I often had the urge to delete my own social media post, immediately after its publication. Now I publish and much more relaxed about the reaction, I do not even look. It has become more important to me what positive impact it can have on me and my friends.

The attention of men on the street has increased many times over. The unpleasant feeling of fear of being looked at by an unfamiliar man is gone. Already after the first intergenerational field I wanted to wear white and beige, both my stylist and relatives advised me to wear them, but before I was comfortable only in dark colors, as if I felt that I lacked status for such impractical colors…

My body reacted very curiously to the food. It became clear to me what I wanted to eat, and I began to allow myself to buy it. My surroundings were always surprised that I had hardly any appetite and I didn’t exercise much – because the weight doesn’t wobble as it is if you don’t eat much. Now I want to eat often and it is very tasty, I want to pamper myself. At the same time I found a boxing class (immediately after the structural I wanted to take it), and even after a bright day I want to go outside and just walk. Before, I preferred to just lie down for a soap opera, because there was no energy. That is, i began to pass more resources through. And literally the taste for food showed up. I wonder what it will be like with my taste for sex when my husband arrives.

The taste for life

It is very intriguing to describe this result, it is not euphoria or joy without reason, but you begin to really live the moment, I realized that before I really lived maybe three out of 60 minutes, and lived the rest. In the evening I would often wait for the night to fall asleep and a new day would come and suddenly, oh miracle, something would change. In general, it turns out that I lived with the idea that nothing would happen anyway, that if I lived to see reincarnation, then I would be able to live “as usual”. That is not only you begin to feel Life, but there is also a subcortical belief that you can make it in this life.

I feel that I have lost interest in men, who do not smell a future and serious relationship, and there were only those around. Let’s see which ones show up in the field now. There appeared rare for me before childish boldness in dealing with others, I think I used to hold it back in a Muslim way, so as not to scare a man away. There was a kind of cat-like quality about me, I don’t even know how to explain it.

There are more business ideas in my head. Just flash ideas of “oh, this would be an interesting project, or this one”.

Already after the first session on the intergenerational field, a friend’s husband suggested I try for a vacant position higher up, and I had only been an assistant for someone my whole life!

Dad called today and asked if I could send money in today’s political realities, in case I needed something (and we’ve been fixing a lot of tendencies with a non-recognizing father). I started noticing a resemblance in my face to my father, although I used to think I only resembled my mother physically.

I remind you guys that we had our fourth session only yesterday.

The night after the reverse session on the intergenerational field, I had a dream with a reception in a hall with Egyptian columns and hieroglyphs. Egypt seemed to be calling to me!

Conclusion for me for the future: How cool it is to work on the Symptom just by the four fields!

A huge thank you to Olga and the friend who brought me to her.”

I worked with the client in GSR sessions on her sexuality, a strong resource that turned out to have many pitfalls and violations.

The symptom was found at the point where the client’s parents chose each other (strong closeness, security breaches and survival energy). We worked in 4 fields (Family Destiny Field (FF) – personal feelings and resources inherited from the generic system, social field, in GSR we call it the Humanity Destiny Field – social scenarios that are played out in the unconscious and create certain assignments in society, the Structural Field (#) – the field of structure, work-through which creates a healthy structure of the psyche, builds roads and opportunities in the directions that are important for the client.

After the GSR sessions, the client had a brighter sense of her taste for life, her body, her status and acceptance of herself, the drain on relationships with men, which were not leading anywhere before, her orgasm became brighter and richer, she began to be noticed and considered more by others, she began to be perceived as a significant, important person by other people and herself, there was more energy for life, for her business, for her wishes, there was growth in money and projects.


On the photo – happy me, because for almost 2 years I have the GSR, and I can create more and more taste, happiness, opportunities in my life and the lives of others!

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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