Solve Job Problems With GSR

GSR work environment

Case Study. How Julie handled her horrible-boss situation with GSR technique.

Julie literally hated the man, although she had never thought she had been capable of having such a feeling towards anyone.
His ignorance, manipulations, arrogance, and lack of staff recognition had driven her crazy and had been pushing her to question his authority, competence, expertise, and commitment to the company’s best interests.
In return, he had been doing everything he had been capable of to make every single day of her life miserable.

The day before she came to me asking for help, they’d had such an unpleasant conversation, that she had got into a fight with her folks at a family dinner later storming out devastated, and hadn’t been able to sleep.

During the session, we found the feeling she had. She felt unable to accept herself and her skills and qualities which seemed to be in conflict with her job.
During the session we restored her ability to accept herself and her qualities, allowing her to be more flexible in finding a balance between job tasks and her personal perspectives and even putting her skills to use in her job.

Once we’re done, she said that she had no hard feelings for the boss, and saw the company as a microcosm where he had all the rights to do as he wished.
She realized that she had been trying to come up with an excuse to stay out of the office the coming Monday, her boss’s birthday, but then she felt like going and maybe even giving a speech at the party as people normally do.

The next day she noticed she didn’t react to her boss’s behavior as she had used to, didn’t try to make an argument or comment on his actions. A week later she realized she started switching between tasks in her job easier than usual and became flexible and gentle towards her boss, which feels natural.

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