Man And Woman Relationship: How To Work On Your Relationship With GSR

Most often the sphere of relationships is worked on by women. A woman is the driving force in building relationship. With her energy, the man lives, does things, creates processes, and the woman fills them. Men look more into realization. So we’ll talk about the relationship sphere from a woman’s point of view.

If you do have relationships

A relationship is a contribution. First of all, a contribution of the woman, who is its creative element. Over time, and this is normal, our relationship becomes encrusted with layers of incomprehensible processes. As a rule, if we let them drift, they go nowhere. A GSR session works well with complex and unclear processes, producing good, sustainable results. Often in the area of relationship building we have many deep and unconscious disorders, a GSR specialist will be able to identify them, show them and work through them.

The first thing I do when I work with a client about a relationship is to work through the problem areas. And even if only the woman works on herself, the relationship usually changes for the better. Here it is important to understand that we perceive the partner only through ourselves, that is, we see ourselves in him. There is no such thing as objective and pure perception.

By working with ourselves, we remove the layer of accumulated energies in the form of dissatisfaction, powerlessness, despair and resentment. As a result, the resource on which the woman originally entered the relationship is released. As a rule, this is a very healthy, creative female resource. By opening and working through the resource points, we make ourselves stronger, and our partner feels it. Satisfied and happy inside a woman can make any man happy and satisfied, it is not a secret for a long time. It’s just that often it’s difficult for a woman to cope with her own states, which is where GSR-sessions help.

If the relationship is stable

This is also a reason to look deeper into it. A relationship is a living process, so you have to invest resources and energy constantly, otherwise it will come to naught. For such a relationship, it is useful to do a GSR session on the adequacy of your partner. Qualitative adequacy in the form of GSR sessions in all fields gives huge shifts and a burst of new strength. We begin to see our partner in a new way, we can discover in him or her the good qualities that we didn’t notice before.

If there is no relationship, this can also be worked with.

Work begins with the deficit points of the woman, as a rule, this is a feeling of her own inferiority, lack of something that she wants to get from a man.

The general recommendation for everyone is to work through past relationships.

Women have many “anchors” in their “exes” that get in the way of current relationships or prevent them from building new ones. These points are worked through, and the woman fully, more purely begins to look at the partner with whom she is now in a relationship.

If you are confused and don’t understand what is going on in your relationship, here I recommend a GSR diagnostic session in which you can expose all the important points of both partners and see what connections and what points are important to work through.

Do you have a relationship right now? And would you like to make it better? If so, come work on the GSR session.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Olga Kokovkina

The GSR-specialist since 2020, PRO-expert since 2021, specialist of the second stream of the GSR Academy

She works on her project of M-Rank Expert "Harmony of Life".
She conducts sessions in the generic, intergeneric and structural fields.

She got hundreds of testimonials, dozens of client cases, over 1000 sessions for clients and over 2000 sessions for herself

The Source of Evolution in Egypt (4 times)
True Wealth Source in Dubai
M-rank training

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