How will self-development techniques help current and future students in their choice of profession and passing exams? The GSR Academy specialist and expert Olga de Benoist answers.
Olga, hello, can you tell us a few words about yourself? What specialisation do you have? How did you come to the GSR?
Hello. My name is Olga de Benoist. I have several activities – I am a writer and poet, organizer of cultural and creative spaces, author of 5 books. I am also a business consultant and project manager, a specialist and expert of international self-development system in the GSR Academy. For many years I have been successfully combining all these activities and developing myself in these spheres.
I joined the GSR System in August 2020. I discovered the possibilities of this method thanks to the articles of Olga Lobareva, a top expert of the GSR system.
I responded to the opportunity to change myself and my life by working with my inner world without the need for therapy or meditation, all that needed was to learn the method and work with oneself in a simple five-step scheme, without the help of psychologists, coaches, gurus or other specialists.
So I mastered the First Module of GSR – on working with oneself, one’s barriers, fears, self-esteem, limitations of one’s own psyche, as well as working with goals and desires. I immediately got my first impressive results, after the first session.
Then I mastered the Second module of GSR – on working with other people and became a GSR expert. Then I went further – and became an expert and curator of the system. Thus a new exciting profession appeared in my life, transforming my life and the lives of others.

What is the GSR? What problems does it solve?
The GSR is a superior system of deep self-development. This is a method working with the human psyche and energy, created by a Russian mathematician, programmer and researcher of human consciousness Dmitry Ustinov.
With more than 25 years of experience working with himself through various techniques, psychology, energy practices, coaching programs, Dmitry has created a new unique method that allows you to transform your inner world, work through unconscious and conscious internal scenarios, as well as release human resources and potentials from disorders.
The GSR solves all human problems and tasks – health, relationships, self-esteem and self-realisation, money and career, business, opportunities, relationships with loved ones, family, colleagues and partners, learning, knowledge, creativity, self-realisation…
All issues can be solved using the GSR method. Some are solved quite quickly, some will take some time. But there are always results, for every person. It is a transformational method, which allows, by changing your inner perception of the world, to change your place and opportunities in the outside world, to get completely new results in your life, to get away from problems and limits, to go towards your goals, to move towards the life of your dreams.

Why did you choose this method for your development?
I have tried many things in my life, but I wanted to find a transformational and quick method that would give me real results. The GSR turned out to be just such a method. The GSR system answers the questions that people ask ourselves:
- Who am I, how am I set up?
- What could I achieve in this life?
- What is my uniqueness?
- What is my strength?
- What am I living for and what is my path?
How can this method be useful for students?
I have studied at several universities (the NSU, Sorbonne, the University of Manchester and the Manchester Business School, UPEC), and I know that learning and getting a new profession is not an easy task.
How do you choose the right direction for your development? How to stay healthy and open-minded while studying, pass exams and jobs easily, remain yourself in a stressful environment, create rich and fulfilling connections with others, be happy and fulfilled, have successful internships and first work experience, and move into your dream profession?
All of these things we often do somehow. Choices are not always made consciously, sometimes we may spend several years of our lives only to realise that what we are learning is not ours. Or that we haven’t been able to fully commit to learning, finding the right people, and that time has been wasted.
A GSR session – done by yourself with the First module or by a GSR specialist – allows you to understand what the student really wants – based on their inner abilities and talents, not on their own fears, societal or family pressures. And to make a well-considered choice.
The GSR has sessions of adequatization for your life choices, that allow you to remove your inner fears and limits and make your choice consciously in any area. There are diagnostics in various areas of development (these are sessions that GSR third module specialists are able to do, capable of working with the diagnostic field).
Also you can remove fears and barriers to studying, to exams, to cleanse your inner resources and potentials and become more focused on studying, on any task, efficient, pass exams well and be successful in any job, find internships, jobs, new opportunities, make contacts with colleagues, other students, professors, find opportunities to earn money, become independent and self-reliant.
A GSR session allows you to remove inadequate perceptions of anyone, internal projections, and contact becomes clearer. One can also work with money, one’s ability to earn money and be independent, as well as with love relationships, creative ideas and professional projects.
Every GSR session removes fears and barriers, a person becomes more resourceful and adequate, can act optimally and effectively in any situation, solve problems in the best possible way, and make their life more and more complete and happy. Get the most out of their studies and the opportunities that study and life provide.

What development tools for students/graduates are there in the GSR system?
There is the First module of GSR, which costs a couple of hundred euros and is available forever.
Having mastered it on your own or with a mentor in just a few days, you can do an infinite number of sessions on your own on any problem or task.
The technique involves finding a symptom (an internal problem) and taking off on a peace of paper to work with, that is, anchoring an internal state to an external object – a simple piece of paper without any connotations, and then using a special technique, the internal feelings and states are spread out on the sheets of paper, following a special pattern, and resolved symbolically.
The inner conflict played out in the subconscious is resolved as a result of the session, a person realises that they can act differently in a situation and there is greater effectiveness and resourcefulness at the point being worked out.
For example, I want to pass an exam and I am afraid of the exam or the teacher. Or I don’t understand something, I am not sure of myself. This internal state is taken off on a piece of paper as a symptom (external object), symbolically laying out the different scenarios that make up this internal state: for example, I am not only afraid of the exam, but I am not confident, I feel like an impostor, I have already failed somewhere, failed, I feel that this will happen again, or I am afraid of public speaking at all, afraid of contact with the examiner, afraid of embarrassing myself, of failing, or conversely afraid of success, all these states are laid out in a scheme on pieces of paper, the root of the problem – where these states came from, and this state is resolved internally, as if the internal negative program is closed. And then the student is able to concentrate on studying and passing the exam, not on their fear or insecurity, which distracts them from what is important.
As a bonus, this worked out state will go away forever, not just before this exam, but in all similar situations.
This is a very environmentally friendly and simple method of working with your subconscious.

The GSR Diagnostics: can it help to choose a priority direction of studying or activity?
The Diagnostics is an ingenious GSR tool. It’s available to specialists who have mastered the third module of GSR. It is a method for working with oneself and also with clients, solving problems of all difficulty and areas of life.
The Diagnostics allows us to make sense of the chaos of our inner intentions, resources, desires, problems, and to build a clear and integral picture of what is going on inside us, what possibilities we have in this situation, what choices are best, where one should and should not go, what is the best solution for a person in that situation.
The Diagnostics builds the optimum path for a person based on the data and opportunities available. This is GSR’s unique technology, which allows you to walk through life optimally, to better understand yourself and this world, and to choose the best path and opportunities for yourself.
Sometimes, even with the right direction, there is apathy and a desire to quit everything. Does the GSR work with these states?
The GSR method works successfully with apathy, fatigue, professional and studying burnout, also with depression, inner conflicts and frustration. Why do we want to give up something in our lives (studies, activities, jobs, people)? Maybe it really isn’t ours, or maybe we just run out of strength and don’t have the resource to carry on, or we are faced with some fear that is bigger than us. And so a person may give up a cause, an opportunity, a prospect that they love, simply because they cannot go on, they have no strength, or they do not believe in self. And that’s where the First module on working with oneself is very helpful. A person works out tiredness, illness or inner barrier, fear and moves on, and this state is gone for good. A resource appears that was not there before. It is also always possible to talk to a GSR specialist. Sometimes one session makes wonders, and transforms a lot. Sometimes a series of works with yourself on a topic is required. But any problem goes away. Thousands of people have come with the GSR from fatigue and burnout to their dream life and high-energy states. The interesting thing is that working through oneself also allows all future or existing children of that person to change, i.e. a GSR session changes generations of people.

You said that the GSR has such a tool as the first module for working on yourself. Is it possible to learn it on your own?
Yes. First Module allows you to work with yourself. You don’t have to share your problems with other people, you don’t have to live with them as in therapy sessions. A person in a couple of days (some people take a week) can read articles, watch videos and do their first GSR sessions, get their first impressive results. Experience is not important, what matters is technique and openness.
Free Mentor Groups are also available for those who wish to attend, which take place online at regular intervals. GSR technique, working with problems and goals will be given and demonstrated in 5 days.
The First module is an opportunity to change yourself, your life, your opportunities in this world, to be stable, resourceful and happy in all circumstances.
Anyone of any age can master the First Module and create the life of their dreams.
Interview arranged by Ruzilya Nureeva

Olga de Benoist, GSR Academy expert and specialist, writer, poet and photographer, author of 5 art books, business consultant and project manager.
Olga was born in Siberia, grew up in Central Asia, and has lived in Europe (Paris) for the last 15 years. She graduated from NSU (Faculty of literature and linguistics), Sorbonne (languages, economics, business and law), Manchester University (politics, business and economics), and studied directing, writing and stylistic techniques at CWS.
Extensive consultancy experience (creative, communications, business, global exhibitions and events) with leading international companies around the world, and a successful track record in fields ranging from creative work to engineering and high technologies.
She has discovered self-development methods in the GSR system since 2020 and is actively growing in the GSR system – in working with the self and the deep psyche. More than 2000 client sessions, expert support into the world of self-development and transformation.
She speaks and writes fluently in English and French.