
Life With GSR: How To Stop Suffering

relationship gsr

How to stop suffering from emotional pain and embrace joy, love, and confidence with GSR

Before coming across GSR I had been living feeling sent off by mistake or exiled to this planet into these dark times, feeling I don’t belong here.

As if my cruel fate had been to live in this ruthless world with nobody caring about my “profound inner world”, useless and misfitting. Feeling alienated from my own family, deprived of my father’s support and my mother’s love, abandoned on my own.

With GSR I’ve finally accepted my family and found my place in it and the world. For me, the world is not a cruel and hungry place anymore, and any fear I face is nothing more than the inner state that I can work on, and become confident and free. In the world where I used to think of myself as blind and helpless, I have found a way to lean on myself and move forward.

My relationships with women had been all about pain, feeling needy and miserable. Even my wife, the woman that gave me three marvelous kids had seemed to be my punishment, and the kids – a reminder of how useless and pathetic I am.
But now I can be happy, I can feel loved and give my wife and children a life full of love and acceptance without suffering or feeling I’d rather burn myself than carry on.

My failed attempts to put my talents and skills to use in work and creative hobbies had always resulted in ‘voluntary’ social exclusion, feeling like being a “misunderstood genius”, so keen, so smart, so promising, yet a failure unable to express myself and communicate with other people without being either arrogant or overly humble.
Now I can liberate myself from everything that keeps me from socializing and communicating with people around me confidently, and also use my potentials and skills to achieve what I want.

All of my life I had been looking for someone who could have supported me, dispelled my fears and doubts, inspired me, and eased my pain… and I came across GSR module 1, finding the impossible capability to do all of it myself.

From a man starring into the sky in search of my North Star, and asking “why me?”, “what do I do?”, afraid to lose the job I hated and be broke, desperately trying to keep my disastrous and unhappy marriage alive, afraid of living more than afraid to die, I turned into a happy and loving husband and father, a confident and passionate professional looking ahead with a “compass” within, self-confidence and assurance that everything is still possible…

Maksat Izzhanov, 38 years, Regional Manager, GSR specialist.
Practicing GSR for 3 years.

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