
How To Bring Yourself Back To Life After The Departure Of Loved Ones

As it happens, I worked with several women last week about the passing of their mother. The point of a loved one’s passing is a very difficult one in itself and people are not always willing to look into it, even several years after the loss.

We came out on this topic when we discussed inquiries about illnesses manifested in the body. Yes, at the GSR we work with illnesses through psychosomatics. Practice shows that a difficult situation (stress, divorce or loss of loved ones) often triggers psychosomatic processes in the body. In this case we first remove this point painful for a person, and then work with other subconscious causes of the disease. By using the GSR technique, we remove the person’s condition, which was unconsciously triggered by the departure of a loved one or a traumatic situation, and which continues as if controlling, not letting the person go. We work through this condition using the GSR method, finding the root of what was keeping the person in a state of pain, shock, fear and other difficult feelings, and the person feels better.

The death of a mother or of a very important loved one subconsciously triggers in a person a state of fading, winding down of life, freezing or as if hovering between life and death. So clearly a person may not feel it, because these are deep unconscious processes, but a huge amount of vitality is always flowing out.

In life a person may feel this as a constant lack of resources, inability to achieve desired goals, lack of energy for children, life passes as if on autopilot, in life there is no energy and time for joy, desires, all the feminine inside is as if stifled.

What a person notices after such a GSR session:

  • The soul stops hurting so much;
  • The strength to live emerges here and now;
  • There is no more loyalty to join the departed loved one through their own gradual withdrawal (unconsciously psychosomatic processes are triggered);
  • There is a feeling that there is more life in the body;
  • The person stops shutting himself / herself off from pain and can let it pass inside himself / herself (the psyche has a resource for this);
  • At the same time the person does not switch off from reality, but remains switched on and keeps the focus on his or her future life.

The main thing that the GSR allows you to do is to get healthy mom or dad back inside yourself, regardless of what the relationship was when the parent was alive or if it existed at all.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Maria Shamova

Mariya Shamova is a specialist of the Second Module of GSR, she also followed the 1PRO and Skype Modules. She participated in the 2nd flow of M-Rank Training. She is working with the 3d level GSR Expert. She has 2 connections to the Source of Evolution in Egypt

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