I don’t believe in anything anymore… Because miracles definitely don’t happen… No one will convince me of this… but I…. I wake up every morning and I don’t know why… I ask… God, probably him… “When I’ll be already dead…”
A rented one-bedroom flat on the ground floor, for which I give half of the income … A crazy old woman lives above me, she was left by everyone, and she talks and yells at night in different voices, sometimes sets fires and floods, from which everything is constantly inunded and all smells old age and urine. There is no money to move … such a depression …
I have a dream that will never come true. A devouring feeling of loneliness inside even in a crowd or at a holiday among loved ones… and the feeling that everything is meaningless, because inside I know for sure that everything will end soon… I knew this for sure… I always knew… I even know when it will happen… and there was no way out…
By this time, when I am 32, I have several suicide attempts behind me, many years of depression, followed by outbreaks of attempts to start changing something with psychologists, shamans, in various practices. During these outbreaks, I already went around just everyone I could … But my attempts to improve my life always crumble completely and shattered in the next morning. And I am just hitting the bottle … in the evenings … crying … howling …
There is not a single hope that I have something else… Apathy and meaninglessness. Outwardly, I create a picture of a successful person striving to become a star… And I’m even building a career… I’m trying… and it even seems to be working out… outwardly…
I see how other people live… someone has recognition, success, clothes, gifts, life, travel… But it won’t happen to me… it doesn’t even light me up… A living, smiling dead man. Who still has the strength to feel this pain…
Spring 2018… the one whose name is also Alexey Zamorin….but I don’t know who it is… full stop, no return…

…I am learning about GSR system…. On June 30, 2018, I attend my first session with a GSR specialist…now I’m writing and I’m surprised…how interesting that tomorrow is the anniversary exactly five years ago…I met GSR.
The first thing that changed immediately was the feeling of myself, I felt better, as if something had been untied inside, somewhere deep in my soul… for the first time I felt that I was better, that inside in complete darkness it was as if a light bulb had come on…
It became lighter inside… The shock was that I couldn’t find within myself the condition we were working with… it just went away… instead of it, this tiny little light bulb lit up inside me… And it became my beacon… It didn’t go out even when my other numerous terrible conditions came upon me …
Just a fulcrum – a light inside the size of a semolina grain, but it became the most stable point of everything that was in me… It could not be called anything other than a miracle…
A small sprout of life appeared in me, a touch of something inside that could be called “my impossible.”
I have hope that I can change myself …and my life… From a specialist I learned, incredibly, that you can do such sessions for yourself using 1 GSR module as much as you want. And I realized what I wanted… I had 3000 rubles on the card and nothing more…
The module cost 14,000 rubles and I had to save up for it… at the end of August 2018, saving on absolutely everything, I bought myself a video tutorial “1 GSR module” and simply “swallowed” it all and did my first independent session… This is how my way to myself has begun…to my impossible…
I uprooted from myself all the pain and unbearability, all my ancestral heritage, I began to do sessions every day, for my different conditions….
And for five years now I have been creating a miracle for myself… every day… I am doing it not only for myself, but also for hundreds of people, becoming a GSR specialist…
Thanks to the practice of the first module GSR, everything changed… That light bulb turned into a huge glow inside!!! This radiance became my life. I love her, I love her every single micro moment.
She is valuable to me… this is the most valuable thing I have… this is my personal miracle… the size of the universe… Everything has changed many times… I myself have changed…
I no longer believe in miracles, I know that every day I create it for myself with first GSR module. By creating a new me with each session within, I created so many amazing results, achieved beautiful goals, and each time it was impossible in terms of my reality. I have fulfilled many of my dreams…
What happened during the five years of practicing the First Module of GSR. I’ll share “large strokes” below… because there are so many changes that the whole tape won’t be enough… so:
- I became an internationally certified voice specialist
- I gave a solo concert of original songs, with a full hall of people
- I spoke to a professional audience of 38,000 people
- I improved my health and underwent an expensive operation, which saved me from a serious chronic disease. I earned all it by myself
- Increased income from teaching in three times. I moved to a new beautiful apartment
- I opened my own vocal school and even hired teachers
- Created my own method of emotional song design
- Prepared dozens of students for their important goals
- Began to present myself very actively
- Started to practice GSR closely
- By working on The First Module of GSR, I attracted several million of rubles of investments for my development
- Moved to live in Thailand and studied in person with the author of the GSR system
- Lived in Thailand for 3 years
- Mastered the profession of GSR specialist
- Mastered deeper skills of the GSR system
- Conducted more than 2 500 sessions to my clients
- Visited many different countries
- I buy expensive training
- Increased income in 10 times Built my personal relationships, creating a family for myself
- Now I live in a beautiful apartment of 180 square meters, enjoying a beautiful view of the mountains
- I work online and move freely
- I was able to recover and survive the death of my mother and continue to live without pain, with a heart full of love and gratitude to her.
- I acquired an unbending inner core and self-reliance
- I lead those who I accompany into the dreams and goals as an expert in the GSR system
- Sometimes I cry from the joy and results of the people who trusted me. Many people also use The First Module of GSR in their lives…
- Alcohol completely disappeared from my life by itself, without any effort and completely… We can go on and on here…
And I continue further… Going beyond your dreams, beyond yourself, is a fascinating and interesting path of deep and beautiful changes…
There are still many areas of life in which I would like to turn on the first light bulb, the first light bulb called life…
Thanks to The First Module of GSR, I live and love my life… even when it’s difficult, and I have difficulties, I’m a living person, but I know that I have a tool to change my life… and I go… Because everything is possible with The First Module of GSR.

Even the impossible… 06/30/2023 is no longer the same Alexey Zamorin
©Translated by Maria Neugodova