
How To Discover Your Potential And Find Your Purpose

How to discover your potential and find your purpose? For many people this is a lifelong torment. Why does this happen?

First you go to the university that your parents approved or you chose it because it’s close to home. It’s hard to decide at eighteen what you want to do all your life. Then, without experience, you work wherever you get hired. It’s good if you’re lucky and get ahead in your career.

But sitting in one place and doing the same thing is boring and uninteresting. You want to change your life, to be really interested in something. So that your eye burns and your brain tickles. Even tried to take a course. We immersed ourselves in new things, but in the end it turns out – not that! Don’t get carried away, no joy. It’s a shame. Especially when you consider that money was spent and time wasted.

With the GSR specialist supporting the way you are finding your path and the way of disclosure of your potential, it will go without mistakes and deceived hopes.

It is psychologically comfortable and much faster. I will explain why.

  1. I work with each client personally. I carefully look into your situation. You show the request – this is the first step to realization of your potential, to self-understanding.
  2. Individual work: Diagnostics session, revealing your stumbling blocks. This is an exact hit at the source of the budding scenarios that do not allow you to move forward.
  3. I don’t apply general templates with generic solutions. Each person has his own destiny, his own deep cause of problems and fears and his own pain points.

Discovering your potential is a realistic goal that can be reached. How?

  • By removing your internal barriers
  • By removing pain points
  • By setting the flow of energy to move into your realization.

And now the movement toward your goal has started.

Working with the inner world through GSR sessions + Your actions in reality = Movement to your important life directions and achieving your goals.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Olga Kryukova

Olga Kryukova is a GSR Specialist since 2018, in the GSR System since 2017. She is a member of the GSR Academy, 2nd stream, a PRO Expert of GSR, an Expert of mRang with her project "Find Out What Is Your Own Business"

She did over 3500 client sessions and complex cases, over 3000 sessions to herself. She has got lots of testimonials and dozens of cases.

She does GSR sessions in all fields (generic, intergeneric and structural fields), GSR Diagnostics with the tool "Good Decision".

She is also a Psychologist in Moscow Business Academy. Her specialty is Psychology of personality.

She has more than 20 years in self-development practices.

She got connections to 2 deep sources: 2 Sources of Evolution of consciousness in Egypt and the Source of Happiness.

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