I will start with one of my flashbacks. Not to make bid for sympathy, but simply to mark the point I had come to by my 35 years. And where I actually started my transformations from…

At the time I was living in Shanghai. I was sitting under a tree in a park, watching elderly Chinese people doing gymnastics and crying with my sunglasses on.
I was overcome by despair and the lack of any hopeful prospects. I hadn’t done anything meaningful in my life. I had no family, no money, no career, I didn’t understand the meaning of my existence, why I was in so much trouble and what to do next……
I tried dozens of methods, trying to find the answer to one question: why everything in my life goes so unhappy way and how to fix it.
Then I returned to Russia, I met my future wife, found a job to my liking, and it seemed to me that everything was getting better…. But even this time happiness was short-lived: after my son was born everything changed. The once happy relationship with my wife faded away, I was depressed again.
I was sure that we were going to divorce – I would have had the same hopeless life as before, my son would have grown up without a father like me. And it was as if I had never seen it go any other way…
This concludes the dramatic part.
Next up, I will share my experience and understanding of why my life was full of hardships and how I changed everything.
To understand what my life is like now, I will just say that now we are raising three children, we live in an eco-friendly suburb of Novosibirsk city, everyone develops in their favorite things, including children, my finances have increased by almost 5 times, and there are dynamics of further improvement. And we also have a desire to wake up in the morning.
Some people think they are built to believe that no one can change destiny.
People think that if some problem is given, it’s for some reason. It may be some important lesson, or karma, or punishment, or bad luck, or just the world is not friendly, and people are just victims of circumstances.
But it’s wrong.
In our reality, we only have the same as what we have inside. Our reality is pure reflection of our internal world. And if life is somehow bad, it means that inside there is a certain program “to live badly”, according to which we ourselves create and keep it bad.
That is if you notice that nothing in your life is improving, it is not getting better, everything is standing still, or even getting worse, then you should understand that in this place you are living some programs.
These programs are nothing else but ancestral scenarios.
And like all scripts, ancestral scenarios can be also rewritten.
That’s the point of this article – any destiny, even the most complicated one, can be rewritten… You can take charge of your destiny.

My work on myself began in 2017, when I became acquainted with the GSR method and purchased “GSR Module 1” online course. This is a method of working with your subconscious mind, with the very ancestral scripts that everyone talks about, but no one knows how to work with them. GSR allows you to get deep into the your subconsciousness where these scripts and programs are “installed”.
It’s like an antivirus that can remove software that shouldn’t be on your computer.
Family has always been important to me. It was the desire to improve the living conditions for my family that helped me work with myself on a daily basis and gave me the opportunity to rebuild everything.
This meticulous work with my inner world allowed me to grow an income that was not ever supposed to in my life. It allowed me to rebuild my relationship with my wife, whom I was supposed to divorce. I never thought a relationship with my wife could be like this – open and supportive.
Through this work, I was able to give my children more than I had myself and what they were “prescribed.” There was time when it was difficult for me to by them a toy. Now we focus on buying anything they are interested in. I see that my children are really interested in what they are willing to do for hours, and support them in this, to give them the opportunity to realize their interest.
And this is a huge accomplishment.
I’ll wrap it up.
The basic message of this article can be described like this:
A complicated life is not a sentence. It’s not fate or karma.
It’s just a set of programs that everyone can change.
GSR method Module 1 is designed to do that.
Try it, create your life! Give your children the opportunity to live a more fulfilling life, do things differently, the way you would like to live.
Just start. And start with yourself.