
GSR First Module Manifesto. The Secrets Of A Paper Block

Lilia Filippova

At some point in practicing GSR for myself, I found such deep inner parts of me, that I couldn’t even think of showing them to anybody. Those feelings and insights were so painful, that is was impossible to bring them out there.

Later then, I started to notice the same processes in my clients. Every person has such corners of the soul where he or she will never let anyone in. And then here comes the help, that is needed… The only one, to whom it’s safe to confide and be sure that nobody will ever know what was your pain about. One dear friend – a piece of paper.

I can use a piece of my paper block to pull out any suffering and work it out over GSR-session to heal – and not a single soul would know my secrets…

After the GSR-session, when the system is healed and the pain is gone, it feels normal to share this experience aloud and even ask colleagues for help. However, at the darkest hour of emotional hell, I’m all along and can rely only on my GSR 1st module skills in helping myself.

Here’re some stories of men and women about the power of a paper block.

Kazakhstan, July of 2017

I’m participating in female energy group training, we pump up our chakras and having fun! I live together with my friends and we’re like superstars among the other gals here. One of us is a no doubt 10, she’s a gorgeous blond with delicate features and strong inner feminine power. On the last day of our tantra practices, she is sitting next to me and suddenly she’s getting overwhelmed by the horror of sexual abuse she experienced when she was 12. It was her coach, he used her young beautiful body like a rag doll, and his wife was aware of everything. She was terrified, mixed-up, she couldn’t tell her mother about this and ask anybody for a help and protection. Those days she was all along in that nightmare, and even it’s already gone, she remained all along in that deep corner of her soul where she buried all those memories together with her feeling of helplessness for ages…

Together with the tutor, our group supported our friend in expressing her deepest pain outside, in pulling it out, trying to help her with affirmations and chakra-pumping. I didn’t know about GSR technics those days, however after I’ve started practicing it myself, I offered her the best solution I know that works – 1st module and a paper block…

Russia, Kemerovo, March of 2007

I met a group of people highly enthusiastic about the different practices of mindfulness development, and Tanya was one of them. She has a strong extrasensory perception, and so every practice she’s into at the moment, whether it’s Taro cards, the etheric body works, fortune-telling – works well for her. We’re fooling around and checking out our fates over the visions through the mind’s eye… That’s so much fun!

When she was 10, Tanya started to see things and was naive enough to tell her mother about it… Next year Tanya spent in an asylum until she’s learned to pretend – not only to her doctors but also to herself. She got married, become a mom of twins, met with a new-age school of psycho-energy development and forgave her mother. However, that feeling of loneliness from her childhood remained with her for all that time, the way to that part of her soul has been forbidden…

Now she has a paper block and she’s able to take back the life she’s always been denying.

Bhutan, Thimphu, July of 2018

I’m a mom of a cool teenage boy. I have nightmares and obsessive thoughts about his passing since the day he was born. Every morning and through the night I check if he’s breathing. I’m overwhelmed with fear and nobody can help me with it, people all around tell me that it must be just postpartum depression. 2 years go by, then another 10 years, but I’m still checking his breathing every morning. I have this idea fix on getting pregnant again and giving birth to another child to have at least one of them, in case something happens to my firstborn. Sometimes I have a terrifying feeling that I wish his death to happen already because I ‘m so exhausted to live in this fear waiting for it… Everything has changed thanks to my magic trip to Egypt to the source of power. I could breathe easy for the first time over the past 12 years.

In almost a year since our trip to Egypt, I’m in Bhutan together with my son. I’ve unpacked too much energy resources traveling through places of power and dived too deep inside my soul, that I uncovered a new handful of fears about him. No internet connection, I can’t ask any of my GSR-colleagues for help, I’m all along again, face to face with my deepest nightmare. I’m taking a piece of paper and pull out the symptom. It took just one hour to heal it. It happened a year ago, and I left my fear right there, in a piece of paper somewhere in Bhutan.

Russia, Kemerovo, March of 2018, after the fire in “Winter Cherry” mall

The entire town has fallen into darkness. The air was full of black smoke and so thick one can cut it with a butcher knife. My husband left the mall 40 minutes before the fire started, and then stew in this tense ambiance, feeling remorse about not staying there, not being there to help someone, not dying there with all other victims. I was in Indonesia with my son those days and could only support him somehow over Skype calls. Everyone around, to whom he tried to talk about his feelings, was also grieving or drinking heavily. My husband was all along with his own fire burning out his soul.

He waited for the weekend, watched the video tutorial for GSR 1st module technics once again and made his very first GSR self-session. He found peace and felt relieved, without alcohol or advisors – just with the help of a paper block…

Every one of us had the experience that hurt us, maybe even broke us and pushed us to run away from ourselves… It doesn’t really matter how often we perform GSR self-sessions or how deeply we trust a GSR-specialist we’re working with. 1st module is not aimed for those who are obsessed with GSR or those who are trying to save some money on GSR. 1st module is vitally important to have for that very moment when you need to pull yourself out of ashes…

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