
GSR Diagnostics

Every time I am impressed with the GSR diagnostics and never cease to admire this tool.

Diagnostics allows you to reveal what the human mind and logic cannot control. What is not obvious to the subtle calculations, sharp eye, analysis and reflection. The GSR diagnostics allows you to see what is not an obvious relationship of the inner world and how it affects the external processes.

The GSR diagnostics is your reality map for greater efficiency and better control of your life.

The GSR diagnostics allows you to be, live, and act with your wide open eyes, instead of poking around like a blind kitten trying to figure out what and why. Many times I have experienced this for myself. I remember how before I met the GSR I was that blind creature, trying in vain to find answers to my questions…. The GSR enables people to take control of their life in their own hands.

A client gets clarity as to what, why and how was interfering, limiting, forming difficulties and unpleasant situations. All non-obvious things become manifested. The picture of the world expands instantly, and it becomes clear to me as a GSR specialist what points should be worked on for the person to effectively come to an important result for him.

The GSR diagnostics is very helpful in the complex work of moving to the goal, in any kind of task. It gives the aim of moving from point A to point B.

Here are a few examples.

In balancing the spheres of life it becomes clear which sphere of life is compensated by which one, where the weaknesses and bottlenecks are. Where a person finds it difficult to look at reality, and on the unconscious level where he runs away not to see the failures. And all these imbalances have been wearing a person out for years, causing irritation and a desire to quit activities, a business formed over the years, a desire to destroy the family. By working through these imbalances, strength and enthusiasm for new achievements are restored, new ideas for business and the desire to scale are born. At the same time, a person opens up a resource to look at other areas of life with a clearer eye and to allow himself or herself to rest.

Overcoming the financial ceiling

In the diagnosis, you can see what resources in the system are blocked, what is missing to overcome the financial ceiling.

In man/woman relationships, relationships with children, you can see what are the weak areas. Where the flow of generic resource is broken, what is blocking happy parenthood, what is preventing to establish/equalize/create resourceful, accumulated by life man/woman relationships, relationships with children. By working through the painful points with GSR-sessions, there is a resource for the children and the partner, and the relationship in the family as a whole improves.

In the spheres of health and psychosomatic causes of diseases of the body: what caused those symptoms, created on a deep unconscious level the disease of the body. Now in my complex treatment we work with a client with a cancerous tumor. Working with psychosomatic reasons which were revealed during the diagnostics the woman’s vital energy is restored, she has gained weight (!!!), which doctors and she could not achieve before so that the person could take a course of chemotherapy.

In determining the sphere of realization: where there is a flow, a constructive application of the client’s potential, to which the system of resources, inspiration and creative energy is activated. Working with people in the complex and keeping in touch with them, it is so encouraging to see how a person begins to open up and resource from an activity that he or she has long “banned”, discarded because of internal fears and limitations, having formed 1000 explanations in his or her head as to why he or she gave it up or is simply afraid to even look in its direction.

There are many more examples of successfully resolving situations and opening your eyes to reality.

The GSR enables you to live life with your eyes wide open and keep control of your life in your own hands. You are welcome to diagnostics, comprehensive work and expert support. Life can be much more delicious and efficient than you could imagine.

P.S. In the near future, I will refine my work with the Good Decision card and this tool will also be in my working arsenal.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Olga Kryukova

Olga Kryukova is a GSR Specialist since 2018, in the GSR System since 2017. She is a member of the GSR Academy, 2nd stream, a PRO Expert of GSR, an Expert of mRang with her project "Find Out What Is Your Own Business"

She did over 3500 client sessions and complex cases, over 3000 sessions to herself. She has got lots of testimonials and dozens of cases.

She does GSR sessions in all fields (generic, intergeneric and structural fields), GSR Diagnostics with the tool "Good Decision".

She is also a Psychologist in Moscow Business Academy. Her specialty is Psychology of personality.

She has more than 20 years in self-development practices.

She got connections to 2 deep sources: 2 Sources of Evolution of consciousness in Egypt and the Source of Happiness.

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