
GSR Client’s Case Study: “I Just Live With My Beloved Ones Here And Now”

This case is incredibly valuable not only for its results, but also for the fact that one can see the pattern and connection of relationships with parents, which influence absolutely everything in a person’s life: personal relationships, sense of self in the world, success in career and creativity.

This case is characterized by the fact that it shows the power and depth of work with the method of GSR with the basic themes for the human system: Actual Situation, Partner, Dad, Mom. And also, thanks to the big period after work, it is visible how the result unfolds in time.

Here is the description of the point of entry into the complex work:

Tatiana (name changed) is 42 years old, recently divorced from her husband. She is a vocal coach, trying to develop her own business. She has problems with money and income. She has feelings of guilt to her children for the divorce with her husband, health problems and mother’s health issues. She has background feelings of hopelessness and loneliness.

Goal: to establish her personal life, to feel desirable, sexy and attractive again, to feel alive.

What is done:

  1. The GSR diagnostics with “Good Decision” option. Diagnostics is chosen as the first step. Objective: to build a clear, shortest path to the goal, to build a plan of necessary works (sessions). To see cause-and-effect connections.We considered all the most important points for the client: ex-spouse, children, career, parents, education, health, divorce, personal brand, money. GD (Good Decision) – “general cleaning inside, renewal”, work plan lined up through GD – sessions on actual, dad, mom.
  2. GSR session on the current state from the symptom “Partner fixation” (highlited in diagnostics)

The states and feelings (GSR symptom) is revealed and worked through: “feeling that I am like an abandoned child, very senseless and hopeless.  The feeling is like a glass barrier, like, I see where to go, but I don’t understand how, and this is like the only option. And I want to stay where I am and that’s it”.

The client’s feedback after the session:

“These days I almost never remembered my husband, and I had no time – as I was studying. Today before work I went out to the park and did not feel this sadness, melancholy when looking at couples as before, I was just glad  to be in the sun, I walked and smiled. About my self-presentation, today I wrote to the Mentor, just chatted, although we have not corresponded for a long time, and the conversation went to work online, and I said that I do not understand how to build a business, to which the Mentor herself offered to share her knowledge with me and tomorrow we meet on Skype! In general, just open your hands and put your hands together!”

More later:

“Alexey, hi! you recommended to analyze everything as a skeptic, listening to feelings, and here’s what I traced: a couple of days after our session I suddenly felt a total acceptance of my husband, gone anger and resentment, and I was bursting with warmth towards him, which inevitably began to ignite a desire to meet him, because I know that you can live otherwise! Now I’m calm, and what is good is that the acceptance of my husband has not disappeared, it’s like I looked at him differently. Notice, I don’t even call him “ex” now”.

3. A GSR session “Father”

The state (a GSR symptom) is revealed and worked through: feeling of alienation, a heavy state up to bitter tears, unloved, unfulfilled, as if he is not in my life and I am not in his life. It is a constant desire to earn love from him, from my husband, to remake myself. The confusion of a little girl who does not know how to live, inferiority. The inaccessibility of Daddy’s resource.

The client’s feedback after the session:

“Alexey! How grateful I am to you! You took that oppressive feeling of hopelessness out of me, and I can breathe! I’m experiencing everything differently, I think, now!!!!. This is just fiery!!! I realized that all this time I was forcing myself to be happy and everything had a taste of sadness and now it’s gone!!!! It has become so easy!!! My tension at the thought of my dad is gone. No more crying, no more resenting him for not calling me or my grandchildren; no more feeling that he has abandoned me, left me, not gave me enough; most of my expectations have already been met. Thoughts of my father do not bother me at all, my memories of him are bright, there is some inner confidence that if I ask for help, he will help. And the important thing is that if I can ask for it there is no longer this feeling of “I can do it myself, to spite you! I’ll keep watching”.

More later:

“Oh my gods! How did I live like this before? Now I’m alive, the heaviness is gone, the black hole in my soul! There are no words to describe it! And at first there was a fear of whether everything would come back… There was a desire to act! I looked in the direction of money and for the first time thought about what I could offer to the world, what I could do and through it generate income! The sadness and hopelessness is gone, and I am happy about that”.

4. The GSR session “Mother”

The state (a GSR symptom) is revealed and worked through: feeling deprived of motherly attention. And at the moment there is also shame and irritation at my mother, because she had a stroke because of her alcohol problems, and I have become like a mother to my mother. Anger, aggression toward my mother, siphoning off energy, injustice, fatigue, feeling abandoned by “why me?”, role reversal, heaviness, coldness, rejection.

Feedback after session:

“After the GSR session I don’t feel anger or abandonment, the idea that I will live with my mother for the rest of my life doesn’t scare me too much, it’s calmer, without any painful dependence. I began to pay more attention to myself, there were thoughts and desires to act in creativity/profession. My mother began to show more attention, care; she called me when I was in class and said that she had prepared food, fed the children, and was waiting for me. Before, if she called, it was only to complain about my son or to ask me to stop by the store”.

More later:

“Alexey, everything is changing so rapidly with me. I almost sat in one place for 4 years and now I moved out – looking for a place, so the situation has unfolded! And before I would have groaned and panicked, and now I am calm and confident that I will find a better place and at a comfortable cost! And I am also sure that all of these changes are certainly not accidental and are the result of sessions! I think it’s unpacking the resources from the parental formations. Now I want money, not just want, but look at scaling my activities, almost no fears!.

And also I wrote my marathon course, now all that’s left is to shoot the material and also i entered the course “Make money on your favorite business” to promote your product on the Internet. I haven’t found a place yet, but I’m still determined to shoot the marathon in an acquaintance’s apartment”.

Can you see from the feedback and changes in the client’s life, the choice of sequence: diagnostic session with a  GD (Good Decision), the session plan built up with this was very correct and accurate.

Then the client considered the result to be sufficient for her and continued to live, observe and unfold inner changes from the sessions through actions in real life.

How the basic sessions unfolded in reality for more than half a year.

Client’s feedback

About her mother

“The relationship with my mother has leveled off, I am no longer angry at her for falling on me to take care of her after the stroke. Communication is much softer and more accepting on my part. But the feeling that we switched roles is still I do not like, still I am her daughter, and she is my Mother, not vice versa”.

About her father

“Yes, the feeling that Dad is there seems to have appeared, I don’t care about his life, he is there, he lives, and that’s great, and of course he has the right to live the way he wants. There is no more communication than there was, but I guess I don’t need it, I’m fine”.

About her husband

“In short, we are together again. I don’t plan ahead, I don’t know what will happen, I just live with my beloved Here and Now. And the most amazing thing is that we have never had such a relationship. I have never seen and felt such a reverent and tender relationship, not even at the beginning of our previous relationship”.

About her work

“I love it. I’m growing emotionally, mentally, I’m growing as an expert! Now I’ve started an online vocal course, my first steps in it. Passion for the creation of the online course and its successful start, fueled the desire to go further and record the second and third steps.

In general, for almost a year a lot of changes, discoveries, trials and errors, but the time is quite intense.

More confidence in myself, in life, in my husband”.

About her finance state

“My financial situation has improved, but this is also the merit of Kett’s courses. Over the past year I’ve been learning a lot of things.

With the kids everything is even and stable, before there were no big problems either, there was a regret that my wisdom to me then, but I accepted the idea that then I did what I could”

About personal brand, training, health

“The personal brand is strengthened by having reconciled with my inner sense of impostor”.

“Yes, I recently passed a serious exam for my studies, and there are two more important ones to come. I want to get an international certificate. I think I have come a long way since 2020. I have studied a lot, studied and applied techniques, and worked on my health. I worked with a psychosomotologist on my health, and the pain has not returned”.

“Thank you, Alexey, I appreciate that my changes started with you. My first step with you and the GSR gave me the impetus to get to where I am today! And this is not the limit, I am going, moving forward and I love it. And yes, the changes are tremendous”.

The Case Study Conclusion:

Repairing basic themes such as partner, parents, have a tremendous impact on a person’s life. This work, through a long period of time, shows how globally such basic work unfolds.

Diagnostics proves itself as a tool to shorten the way to the goal, less time and financial expenditures of the client. And comprehensive work gives a significant result, builds a new base of life for the person.

Working with basic themes through GSR diagnostics (actual, partner, father, mother) the client’s request not only closed, but also removed the focus of attention from the problems presented, and brought the person to another internal and external status in other important spheres.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Alexey Zamorin

Alexey Zamorin is a Specialist of GSR, an Expert PRO and a graduate of the top GSR project “The GSR Academy”.

His projects: “Weight Loss With GSR”, “Creativity And GSR”, “The Star In Her Favorite Activity With GSR”, “Life Repair With GSR”

He has dozens of client's cases, more than 1000 reviews, more than 2000 client's sessions and more than 3000 self-sessions

He is connected to the Source of the Evolution of Consciousness, the Source of Harmony, the Source of Repeat and the Source of True Wealth

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