
GSR Client’s Case Study: New Life And Relationship After Divorce

The case describes a list of GSR sessions with a result from each. This case shows how the result unfolded in a person’s real life and how it all led from point “A” (the request at the beginning of the case) to point “B” (the result with feedback at the end of the case).

The client’s name is Ekaterina Ogorodnikova.

Information about the client (point “A”): age 41, two children, divorced. The ex-husband keeps in contact with the children, the son lives with his father. The spouses live apart. The relationship with the ex-spouse is neutral, their communication is only on specific issues. The client has been supporting herself for several years and has been living alone for over two years. And she has been thinking about a new relationship for a very long time. But nothing has changed, going into it hasn’t worked out. The client works as an economist and lives in Novosibirsk. She is practicing the First Module of GSR (sessions for herself). As a result, Ekaterina sees that she will begin to take real steps into a new relationship. As a result of the first step to her goal – posting a profile on a dating site.

I will comment that neither I nor the client assumed at this stage that globally we were going to a completely different result. The client’s relationship appeared. But the result turned out to be much bigger and completely satisfied for Ekaterina.

The GSR-session on 02.27.2020: we worked on the state as a “barrier” (symptom) for the client to register on a dating site. The state works in such a way that in reality the client does not make steps towards this goal: the client decided to have a photo shoot for beautiful profile pictures before creating her profile, she had been planning it for a month. At the same time, the photographer she approached has not even begun to learn photography yet.

In the symptom was a generic scenarios, mostly about security breaches in female figures, there are so many energies of exclusion in male figures.

How it was immediately after the session, from the client’s words: “It was as if I looked into reality, now I see and understand that there are more variants. And that I chose only one variant and really didn’t take steps toward my goal, and now I’m not afraid to try”.

“It’s like I took off my protective skin. I’m not afraid without it. I realized this when I went to the movies with my daughter and her girlfriend after the line-up and cried through most of the movie”.

“At work, the man with whom I resonated the most has silently started helping me by himself. This is a whole new process. Before, any help from men in any area of my life happened always only on my request”.

“As a result, a little later the profile was created on the dating site. And at this stage, in reality, the client was a little more open to communicating with men”.

The GSR-session on 02.29.2020: The request for the session was to work on her husband. The client’s motivation for this work was that this point in the diagnosis was important and significant to her. The diagnostics was made by another specialist. As a result of the session, the client sees that she will “let go” of her husband, and in reality she will stop speaking ill of him in front of her children, as she considers it wrong. The request was presented as a problem with the ex-husband. In the process, a barrier to moving into her life and the goal of a new relationship was exhibited.

The expected result in reality was: “I make decisions independently, I do not strive to “go back to the past” because it is familiar and safe. I am not afraid to talk to men and try to get acquainted”.

As a specialist, I want to note that only at this stage did the client’s deep goal begin to emerge, where the result for her is a completely new life in which there is place for everything at once: relationships, children, and herself. This result actually unfolded only at the end of the work, while the relationship appeared much earlier. At this point, it became clear that the relationship was only a part of the larger goal of “a new life on my own” with specific criteria. And one of those criteria and results was having a relationship with a man. There are also other criteria and results in reality, which will be described later.

The client’s feedback:

“This morning I had an immediate insight. Immediately i want to go to the 1 chakra project* (*a deep project of basic security healing in the GSR). It was impossible for me yesterday. Only in a few months. And in the morning I see the solution to borrow money from my mother. Fear rises. I got the symptom and did a GSR session and paid for the project about 10 minutes ago. Since a GSR session was all the same about the barrier in my life. These observations are very valuable for me. Because this is what they are about.

“We went to visit my parents with my son today. Since he lives with his dad – they have their own relationship, and he talks about them. And today was the first time I didn’t enjoy the stories. I had enjoyed the not-smooth relationship between father and son until today. And today, for me, the stories have lost their coloring. It’s a great achievement and a wonderful result.”

“Observation today. At work we’re talking to a man. And I notice that I am flowing into his flow. How should I put it… I used to be on the sidelines. Seeing everything, hearing everything… but on the sidelines. On the other side of the barricades. But today I’m in the flow. The result is an efficient work process, a lot of new information and a resource flow from start to finish. And I left work also on the resource.

“The male gender stopped being from another planet to me. Any communication was stressful – and all is in my head. Now it’s high. And inside.”

04.05.2020: the diagnostics about relationship

It was decided to use diagnostics to focus on Ekaterina’s new, more specific goal. To build a plan with a minimum number of steps for the result. The result was “relationships” again. But all the time a kind of “my life, my rules” was oozing through all the work. And only at the end of the work came the understanding of why exactly such a desirable sound.

The client’s request for diagnostics : “to form a plan of work that will eventually lead to a relationship. And the result is that a man will appear in my life in the future. I’m ready to look into it and invest in it”.

Dotted: ideal relationship, ideal man, children, sex, ex-husband. In the course of diagnostics were raised internal conditions that prevent the goal to come true.

A plan of work was laid out. The first three main points are the most actual states, on which it is necessary to work to come to the goal.

A Good Decision (GD): to pump up motherhood, to pump up sexuality, and to pump up my “I want” point.

At first, the GD seemed irrational. But I, having already had experience working with other clients through diagnostics, exploring the effects of GD, always helped clients get the results they wanted.

In this case, I saw that GD took into account everything, even the client’s formula of consciousness (FC). (The FC is a set of individual innate personality traits. This set determines how a person reacts to the outside world and acts in reality).

Below I will describe how this influenced the expected result.

04.17.2020 The GSR-session on the first symptom from the diagnostics 

Working with a state that sounds like “cutting off”. The essence of the state: a feeling of high, of freedom – as long as the client is alone, not in a relationship. Complete freedom in choosing how to spend the day, what to enjoy, someone to meet and flirt with. When there is a man, there is an immediate sense that there are only restrictions around. And there is a whole list of requirements for the man himself. At the same time the female flow is closed. The state was detected through the diagnostics field.

As a specialist, I would like to point out that in this work, the influence of birth disorders on the client’s formula of consciousness is noticeable – because of them, figure of symptom cannot manifest itself in a natural, healthy form.

Because of the state described above, the man “does not fit” into the client’s way of life, disrupting the habitual efficiency of her way of life and everyday life. Hence, there are strict requirements for the man in everyday life. Also, due to the influence of the state (symptom) on her basic feeling of safety, it is difficult for the client, when a man appears, to present her importance, to show her initiative, to go after her goals. In this case, the main accent of life shifts from herself to the appeared man.

The inner result after the session: a flow of sexuality, adult femininity and stability, acceptance of oneself and a feeling of security in the manifestation of sexual flow next to a man. This flow meets no inner barrier, no fear, instead relaxation and acceptance. The acceptance of oneself, the fact that a man is around, and the high state inside are compatible.

The result in reality and feedback the next day:

“Today for the first time since my divorce (2.5 years), I met a man and went on a date”

“It was all on the super resource”

“I’m very happy with the GSR-session”

“It was exactly a step into the unknown. Getting acquainted and immediately agreeing to a date. This was the first time this had happened. It was like I was counting the flow of a person. And I wasn’t wrong. Six hours flew by with him like five minutes. And most importantly, there were no expectations. As it happens, it’s perfect”.

04.24.2020 The GSR session on the state (symptom) “Fear of going into a relationship”

The problem for the client is in her words: “Men came into my life, I “let them come into my life,” but I can’t get any closer to them. I begin to think in my head in advance that this man is not like that, and that man is not like that, and that something about him is not right or wrong”.

In the symptom processes: fears of female figures, a feeling of insecurity. Male figures are indecisive, without inner support for themselves.

The client’s state after the session: steady and neutral.

Because the client has the skill of the First Module of GSR, she was additionally recommended an independent session on the adequacy of the man of preference.

Over time her client’s interactions with men began to involve the topic of sex. This activated a new actual condition in her. This condition had already been detected earlier, during the diagnostics. It was connected with the topic of sex and the feeling of safety and was activated when she left her usual comfort zone.

05.19.2020: the session on an internal state (symptom) related to relationships. In other words, the symptom sounded like “Everyone wants only sex”.

Feeling myself to the client’s words: “I feel like “a piece of meat in a window” – it’s scary, unpleasant. I’m already desperate, I don’t need this relationship”.

For all the peculiarities of the client, her formula of consciousness, such a process can be conveyed by the phrase: “I can’t control this process, I can’t manifest my power, and I’m scared, my feminine flow is closing.

Processes in the symptom: Relationships between men and women in which women feel insecure, shut down. Lack of inner support. Fears of physical violence.

Here is the internal result after the session: openness to processes, fluidity, openness to any male resource, understanding and acceptance of one’s attractiveness.

The words of the client immediately after the session: “Well, I can play any game with men – it’s fun. It’s interesting. I feel good. Let’s move on to the goal.

The “healthy” manifestation of the client’s formula of consciousness comes into play again. It is important to her that she be able to manage the situation, to keep control, while at the same time not holding back her manifestations.

As a specialist, I consider this work and its result to be the client’s final transition into a relationship and a new rank. After this work, the request for a relationship closed completely. But the fact that this is only a part of the overall greater result I will reveal below.

The client’s feedback:

“A man came into my life. In the last two weeks, as much has happened between us as could happen in a year or more”.

“Since the beginning of correspondence on the dating site 2 weeks. During them – in the very process of correspondence – we both know how to talk, and listen, and hear. Interest on both sides. A meeting at the garden-day with my daughter (for me, the first experience of inviting a man I have never seen to visit. And also to meet my daughter). There was no doubt that everything will go well. Moment of awkwardness only in the first minutes of the meeting. Then it was as if we had known each other for years”.

“What’s new to me is the lack of desire to run away (before a day, two… Well, three… And I wanted to be alone)”.

“And spending a weekend together (my daughter went away to visit). We did not want to separate (once again surprising to me after 3 days together).”

“New to me: not making things up (guessing for the person). An honest question is an honest answer. Saved a lot of time. Also about meetings… It would have been earlier… It is right or wrong to meet so quickly, sleep together, etc.”

“After a day we spent the evening and night at his house together”.

“Also real communication brought up a lot of things that without a man around didn’t show up. I made sessions. My daughter’s reaction to the man and my reaction to her reaction. Jealousy. Failure when a man says he can’t give me much…”

Let me comment. The request for a relationship has closed-they are there, a fact in reality, the goal has been achieved, the transition from one state to another has taken place.

What happened in reality: there was a woman who could not end the relationship with her ex-husband. She was afraid to take steps into a new one. She thought that after her first marriage she would never go into another relationship again. Because she’s afraid to move on, because she’s afraid of intimacy, because the sexual flow is closed, because there are children, etc.

Now this woman is not afraid to go into an intimate relationship with a man. She acts on herself, allowing herself to choose someone with whom she will be comfortable in every way. The woman who has a relationship with a man and the woman she was before the work began are two different people.

I would like to add that the emergence of a relationship began to reveal not only the theme of sexuality, as shown by GD (Good Decision) in the diagnostics, but also the theme of children, the theme of inner support. Hence, I conclude that it is necessary to follow the diagnostic plan, constantly checking with the client’s real life and with what is happening in his life. This is exactly the strategy that worked in this case.

Here are a few words about it from the client herself:

“Maternity – the process was launched from several sides. On one hand, the emergence of a man manifested our relationship with our children. Where it failed was in the sessions. The second – passed the barrier of “pity money for children”. Didn’t see that point clearly. As a result, a breakthrough in Man-Woman relationships occurred just after her, too”.

“I made a session: fear that a man will not like me at the first meeting, dissatisfaction with my appearance, separately – dissatisfaction with my figure. Observation – the second time in bed with a man, and the result, as in previous relationships in 5-6 years of communication, when you already know everything from A to Z. Next to him I feel like a goddess”.

“Well on the flow of my ‘want’ and pulled it all off in two weeks”.

“A week ago I didn’t understand this relationship… But the day before yesterday it was like I’d grown up.”

The result of the “relationship” is received. The relationship is there. A man in the life appeared. The client supports herself in the new space of her life. With the help of GSR sessions for herself.

And now I will reveal the greater result, into which we actually went together with the client. This result could be called “A life on my own”. And it is important that here the peculiarities of the Formula of Consciousness of the client are taken into account. In reality it is management of the schedule, more involvement in the processes at work, distribution of time – for communication with children, with the man. The client herself manages all the processes of life on her resource in all spheres.

My rank growth as a specialist: I learned to see processes more globally thanks to the use of the skill of determining the Formula of Consciousness of the client. This allows me to find the client’s inner resource, which leads him to greater goals.

The client’s final feedback, point “B”:

“The flow that opened up inside (the buzz, the drive, the resource, the warmth…) is the main parameter of my result”.

“When there was no man – virtually inside this flow did not start”.

“On this flow, I want and receive both flirting in correspondence, and sex, and evening walks, and joint weekends, and long conversations about common interests, and just silence in embrace…”.

“On it, I do breakthrough things at work.”

“On it, I mend the failures that are exposed…”.

“From the outside world I get feedback the last few days. Several people have said the same thing – You’re alive!”.

“It’s all about relationships for me! I don’t know if it’s more with a man or with myself for the first time in my life”.

“The desired outcome at the beginning of the work was to have a man in my life and build a relationship with him. Which… About what…. There was no clear understanding. The result I got was a million times more than I expected).”

“The initial expected result was compensation) I directly traced the moment I wanted a relationship with every cell in my body because there was a void in my life and I needed a man to fill it. And only at some point, when my life began, it didn’t really matter to me that a relationship would start quickly… That’s where it all began).”

“I got curious. I wondered every minute. What’s next? What’s different? It’s interesting to get up at 4 a.m., it’s interesting to come home after work. I don’t know what will be in my life in an hour and it’s amazing. I’ve never had much control over my kids. But now I’m interested in how they live their lives. I may not see my son and daughter for weeks. But we haven’t had a stronger bond than we have now (a given in my female line system, to live my life for the sake of my children). Now we each have our own awesome life – a 42 year old, a 15 year old, and a 9 year old. We happily watch out for each other, support each other when we need to. And most importantly, we know we have each other. This was made possible when the ‘for the kids’ part of my life was completely gone and the ‘about me’ part began”.

“Another important observation is that my boundaries between areas of my life have disappeared. I live my life in the home worries, in the formations, in the morning commute to work for a conversation with a colleague, during the day in the professional sphere, in the evening on a walk, on the weekend at the cottage, etc. And I feel happy every minute”.

“Something used to fall out during the day. This is a joy, and this is a burden. Here I am, and there I am not. This would be over sooner, or it would start sooner. And now there is the resource and strength, even if some lapses or troubles appear, to make everything fit into the overall delicious picture…”.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Alexey Zamorin

Alexey Zamorin is a Specialist of GSR, an Expert PRO and a graduate of the top GSR project “The GSR Academy”.

His projects: “Weight Loss With GSR”, “Creativity And GSR”, “The Star In Her Favorite Activity With GSR”, “Life Repair With GSR”

He has dozens of client's cases, more than 1000 reviews, more than 2000 client's sessions and more than 3000 self-sessions

He is connected to the Source of the Evolution of Consciousness, the Source of Harmony, the Source of Repeat and the Source of True Wealth

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