
GSR And Yoga: Similarities And Differences

yoga gsr

In yoga there are such terms as samskaras and vasanas. Both mean nearly the same – impressions,  imprints in our consciousness which could appear after some meaningful events. The difference is that samskaras are more recent, and vasanas reflect the experience of the past lives. Our consciousness accumulates these imprints – personal and family experience. Such impressions make us behave in a particular way in situations which remind us of that first event, so it creates a tendency. We are prone to do one thing and to avoid another.

When I got acquainted with GSR technic 5 years ago, I was reading “Vasishta yoga”, and I was impressed how it’s ideas reminds me Dmitry Ustinov’s lectures. These tendencies were described in yoga texts thousands years ago, but Dmitry Ustinov discovered that himself by the practice of GSR. In yoga it is very important not only to read in the book about the consciousness structure, but to recognize it yourself, get your own experience of that knowledge. 

How does it work? For example, a woman’s husband died, and she became cold and detached towards men. Her daughter’s husband gets to the hospital, then he recovers, but the daughter feels estranged towards her husband, and she can’t help it.

As you can see, the situation is not the same, it’s just slightly reminiscent of the original event. And that is the problem with such scenarios – our behavior becomes inadequate, we are not able to see the reality. To be honest, we barely recognize where is this feeling came from.

The solution in yoga is to disassociate with this scenario, to become just a witness of it. But Masters of yoga warn that these tendencies will return again. GSR method is unique because it helps to disassociate with the tendency once and forever. The force which generated that tendency, becomes pure energy, and you can use it for achieving your goals.

Juliya Panasyuk

I'm in GSR for 5 years, and this system changed my life drastically. During this time I got married, gave a birth to a daughter after 11 years of infertility, moved to a subtropical climate from cold Siberia. Now I'm a GSR specialist, an expert, and I would be happy to guide you to your goals with the help of unique GSR system.

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