Today’s world demands modern solutions.
For 27 years I have been looking for a way to get rid of allergies.
I found it. It’s the GSR method. A modern method of working with the subconscious mind. I finally solved my allergy problem in a few days.
I’ve suffered from allergies for 27 years
It was the summer of 1992, and I’m in the hospital with a severe asthma attack. I’m 12 years old. I was injected with 5 huge IV syringes with all sorts of remedies to relieve the attack.
Later, the asthma went away by age of 16, but the allergies lasted for the next 27 years. Every summer my nose just wouldn’t stop running. All sinuses clogged, it was hard to concentrate on my work. I was sneezing 15-20 times a day.
I read all the books on psychosomatics. Nothing helped. Antihistamines used to give some relief, but overall August and September were just flying out of my life.
I found the way to get rid of allergy
So I just decided to try and get rid of my allergies with the GSR Module 1.
I had no expectations, I just worked through all my internal states – despair, anger, powerlessness, some physical sensations in my body. I was just doing the GSR sessions until that summer was over.
The next summer of 2019 I was expecting allergies, but they didn’t happen. There were mild allergy sensations, I could feel, that it was kind of inside, but it was about 20% of what would normally happen.
I did 2 or 3 more GSR sessions on the remaining physical sensations of the allergy in the body.
By 2020, I’d got rid of my allergies completely.
I’m completely allergy-free

Since then, for 5 years now, I’ve honestly been immensely happy because now August and September have become the best time of the year. Even in the woods and fields, no sign of allergy.
Before, allergies would just overwhelm me if we went for a nature walk somewhere.
And I’m not the only one who has fixed allergies with GSR sessions. There are already many such cases among GSR practitioners, just as there are cases about atopic dermatitis, for example.
In other words, it is important to realize that GSR works with psychosomatics and to try to change something in this direction.