What If Our Feelings Do Not Belong To Us?

GSR feelings

And how do they affect our goal achievements?

What if I say that all our feelings do not belong to us?

They are not ours. 

Each of us has a feeling that bothers us a lot we would like to get rid of it.

And now imagine that you don’t have this feeling. 

What would you do? How would your life change?


All of us want some balance inside. We aspire to have this feeling of balance. 

Imagine yourself meditating or doing something else to balance yourself. You get this pleasant sensation of positive attitude or balance or other feelings that you are looking for.

And then you go to work. 

But then something happens during the day—your inner state changes. Your balance switches into frustration, lack of confidence, despair of success, or you get mad with a toxic person. 

And you have to look for your balance again. 

It happens from day to day.

Now let’s talk about the connection between our feelings and the goals we set.

How can you see this connection?

Imagine some of your goals. Or one of your dreams. 

What do you feel when you think about it?

What do you feel when you imagine the day you achieve the goal?

Most likely, you feel motivation and inspiration.

But you may also feel hesitation; this goal may seem too big or too distant, you may not believe in your plan, or you don’t deserve it, or you may think that you will never achieve it without support. 

Every day you wake up and follow your dreams having this feeling inside. Whatever it is. 

And now imagine that you will never achieve your goal. You will never make your dream come true.

What do you feel now? What do you feel when you see that nothing will change and your situation will remain the same

Do you have feelings inside? Some inner states? 

You may also feel hesitation, fears, low energy, demotivation, resistance. Or you may still feel motivation, which is also a feeling. 

So, it’s crucial to notice that we always feel something when we think about goals or set goals. 

So, how do our feelings affect our achievements? 

Our feelings define our behavior what I call appropriateness of our behavior.

And the appropriateness of our behavior defines the quality of our results. 

For example, if we are afraid of something, most of us will sabotage it. Or postpone it. But it may be critical to do it to achieve the goal. But we don’t do it. This is the way we miss opportunities in real life. And this opportunity may be the best way to achieve our goals.

Here, sometimes people rely on their intuition. They trust it. But it often happens that intuition shows us an indirect way.

Why do we feel something when we think about goals?

For example, you lack money, and you would like to have more. 

Or you are looking for a relationship not to feel lonely. 

Or you may feel unrealized, and you would like to catch this feeling of realization and let yourself grow. Or you would like to change the world because you think it’s imperfect. 

We often set goals because now and here, there is something we are not satisfied with. We are not happy with our relationships, finance, self-actualization, or anything else. 

Dissatisfaction is a driver, but it’s essential to remember that dissatisfaction is also a feeling.

We feel inconvenience, worthlessness, fears, boredom, frustration, lack of confidence, lack of happiness, etc. 

And most of our goals are supposed to compensate for these feelings. 

So, who is the owner of our feelings?

Our feelings are nothing less than subconscious family or ancestral scenarios. 

A family scenario springs up when someone comes across a situation that is challenging to handle. This situation is beyond his depth. And often, such cases make people suffer. 

And such a situation could happen many generations back.

And this awful experience is transferred from generation to generation and affects us nowadays.

We, in our turn, can also have negative experiences and pass newly created scenarios to the next generations.  

Such situations are usually related to the death of family members, becoming an orphan, warfare, violation, imprisonment, famine, betrayal, fraudulent behavior, or missing. And so on.

There is a lot of hardships in life. Our grand-grand-parents faced a lot of challenging situations. 

My name is Alexei Chukhutin, I’m a GSR specialist, and I work with peoples’ feelings, with their family scenarios that keep people in their points A away from their points B.

I work with feelings that make people subconsciously create and hold problems in their lives. Most people want changes and want to achieve their goals, but most get stuck for years.

If your point A is loneliness, you have no partner – most likely; this is your scenario. It will work in the way that you stay lonely. Even if you get married in a few years, you may find that this feeling remains with you. And this feeling may affect you in the way that you think nobody loves you, nobody needs you, and it may even cause a divorce — just an example. 

If you fear poverty, it will affect you in the way that you will always lack money. Even if you grow in the capital, the feeling will most likely remain. 

If you feel unrealized, whatever you do, all activities may seem wrong, not yours, and you may think that it will last forever and you will never find your point of realization.

So, our feelings don’t belong to us.

Feelings are the terrible experience of the previous generations.

The feelings disbalance us and affect our behavior and sometimes make our goals unachievable. 

Therefore it’s vital to remove these feelings. 

The feelings will stop affecting you here and now. Then the way to any goal will become much shorter. Any plan can be achieved. 

But until you are not satisfied with something, your way to your goal will take more time because you spend a lot of energy to compensate for your dissatisfaction. And till you have this dissatisfaction, the goal remains distant. 

Оr if you achieve a goal, you may not become happier, you can find that you are still unsatisfied.

So, how can we remove such feelings?

It is possible to amend scenarios. Switch them into a resource for achievements. 

If your feelings do not belong to you and you can get rid of them, why should you have them?

It’s hard for many people even to imagine living without toxic feelings because the feelings follow us right from birth.

There is a method called GSR (System of Deep Development).

It’s a new method of working with human beings’ subconsciousness. It has nothing common with meditations, affirmations, coaching, NLP, or hypnosis. 

It’s different from all the methods you know. 

It’s an easy way of working with feelings and goals. This method is easy to use and available for learning. 

When you work with some toxic feeling, you get an opportunity to stay in balance where you couldn’t before. 

When nothing can shift your balance center, you will be more effective in your decision-making and behavior.

Besides, when you work with the GSR method, you switch your toxic scenarios into constructive ones.

You get extra resources and your inner potential, which was not available before. Without those toxic feelings, you may solve problems and reach your goals way faster. 

In GSR, we call this balance center – “A zero state.”

When you are in a Zero state, you have more chances to succeed.

Any setback in your life means that you play a scenario here.

Our feelings affect the way we think.

They affect the way we act.

And the way we act affects the result in our life, In our relations (with our partners, kids, parents, bosses, teams), in our finance, and self-actualization. Anywhere, in any sphere of our life.

And if you find that some challenging situations repeat, or you got stuck in life, or you suffer from multiple feelings or toxic inner states that drive you crazy, this is a family scenario.

Which can be amended.

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