
Children and Learning

For a while now, I’ve been working on a case with a teenage girl in Europe who wants to study in England. We’re addressing health, life forces, communication challenges, and social adaptation.

Step by step, a path forward is emerging – a journey to self-realization in this world, moving along her own flow.

Today, we focused on school performance – mathematics and the German. After exploring her attitude towards these subjects, we decided to reframe mathematics as the most challenging one.

During the session, various energies surfaced – self-pressure, the fear of inadequacy, fear from peers and teachers, child’s energy unable to be born and suffocating in the birth canals, breaking through, despair, agony, confinement in the dead patterns of school and society, energies of self-suppression, and many other complex emotions. At the core was a disruption related to her grandmother’s biographical experience – abandoning her passion for the sake of engineering and mathematics, creating energies of “self-betrayal” in the system.

After working through the symptom, a new flow emerged in the girl’s system – the possibility to move forward effortlessly, self-reliance, a sense of belonging, awareness that she is loved and valuable, no need to immerse herself in studies and work to escape loneliness, the ability to easily absorb new knowledge, present herself, focus on tasks, integrate various subjects and knowledge, choose what aligns with her life strategy and general progress, more health, life forces, self-acceptance, and rank growth.

It’s fascinating to witness how, in one GSR session, you can completely change the relationship with any subject and shape an entirely different future for a teenager – where they learn creatively and with interest, not under the pressure of school, stress, and frustration.

We worked on mathematics, but in reality, all these life strategies will change in all subjects, providing the ability to act optimally and choose oneself in any situation.

When we were students, we didn’t have the GSR, and I remember how much time was wasted on learning incomprehensible and strange schemes and knowledge that never proved useful, sleepless nights, tests and exams damaging health, creating people who functionally go through processes in society.

Now, all of this can be changed. Education for a child and teenager can be easy, joyful, strategically beneficial, flow-oriented, moving them towards self-realization and their potential in this world.

My dream is for the GSR method to be taught in schools and universities so that everyone can evolve and give themselves better opportunities in this world. Then our world will be filled not with sad adults who gave up on their dreams but with people passionate about what they do, enjoying life.

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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