
Chapter 9. The GSR World

Your wonderful journey to our inner world starts today. We are discovering together how our inner world is built. Some of these fields were somehow described in different spiritual and scientific books on our consciousness and the structure of the universe.

However, this is the first complete, comprehensive and detailed description of the wonderful world of our consciousness that you might discover yourself by going deeper and deeper in the GSR System.

This diagram was discovered, studied and published by the author of the GSR System — Dmitry Ustinov — on September 3, 2016. I am always amazed by the complexity and simplicity of this schema which gives us a comprehensive glance at the world and its wonders. Let’s start our journey together!

September 3, 2016
By Dmitry Ustinov

  • Generic processes: personal, a person’s feelings and states in relation to people, processes, events, oneself.
  • Family Destiny (FD): it determines a person’s generic resourcefulness (whether or not a person is allowed to change something in his destiny), the range of energies given to a person by the family, and his generic missions and tasks.


  • Interlinear processes: psychic processes, interlinear compensation (ancestors “messed up”, we take the blame – it’s not manifested in feelings, but in events), human involvement in humanity processes (for important big people).
  • Humanity Destiny (HD): determines a person’s size for the humankind, his/her importance, his/her tasks for humanity (if there are any – mostly for psychics and significant people).


  •  Energies and processes defining a person in relation to the human gender (m/w) benchmark, his/her ability to reproduce (spreading of his/her genetic code).
  • Reference Destiny (RD): reconciliation and maintenance of balance of human energies relative to the reference (m/w) ones (in fact, reconciliation with the code of Adam and Eve as some human standards).


  • Life force energies, non-personal, in our body, connection with nature, with places (elements).
  • Life Destiny (LD): maintenance and energies of a person as a living being on the planet, determines the level of life force energies.


  • Energies of dynamics and motion of an object in the energy system of the planet.
  • Destiny of the elements (DE): distribution of energies in the life support system by the elements, balance of the elements as the basis of life.


  • Energy of connection with cosmic processes, energy of emptiness, energy of connection and interconnection of elements and objects.
  • Planet Destiny (PD): distribution of energies in the planet’s ecosystem and in each object of the planet (including humans) in relation to the ecosystem and within the object as a separate ecosystem, capturing and responding to cosmic impulses/energies.


  • Influence of planets/stars…and similar forces on the planet and planetary objects as part of it (perhaps astrology deals with these forces).
  • Cosmic Destiny (CD): defines basic constants of the objective world, mass, density, space.


  •  Interconnection energies of basic quantities (perhaps teleportation and other wonders are here), convergence/divergence of objects/particles.
  • Universe Destiny (UD): determines the fundamental possibility for everything to be, the level of galaxies.


  • Formation of Being.
  • All/and/Nothing (not Destiny, other laws of formation): impossible to find words for this energy (perhaps that which forms and defines the possibility of being the universe itself).

Then there are no energy processes.

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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