
What Is The GSR System?

The GSR is a deep self-development system, created in 2014 by Dmitry Ustinov on the basis of 25 years of experience in various practices and methods of self-development. It is a universal system of transformational tools with which any person can solve


The GSR And Psychotherapy

Are they compatible? What is the difference? Are there advantages to each method? Recently the client with whom we have been working for several months asked a question about these two approaches to working with myself. I decided to collect in one


What Is A Symptom?

Imagine a tangled ball of multicolored thread. Very much tangled, with loops and knots. How will you begin to untangle it, from which end and with which thread? It’s not clear! It’s hard to figure out how to do it. So it


The GSR Theory

The GSR system is a deep system of self-development created by researcher Dmitry Ustinov as a result of more than 25 years of work with himself and other people. The GSR is a system of Evolution of Consciousness, a mode of life


A GSR Session: How It Works

In this article I would like to give you some insights about the work of a GSR specialist. How we deal with a symptom. How to solve deep problems and go to our goals through a GSR session. How to find the