
I have always wanted to experience love, to be able to give love, to be love. But I never reflected on the fact that I would like to be loved. And now, I opened myself to this. And I created this possibility

The Path

Walking your own path means constantly choosing your own path. Nothing is more important. Neither the comfort zone, nor friends, nor adversaries, nor loved ones, nor activities, commitments, and obligations—nothing should distract from the path. Because this path is you. It’s great

Flows. Rank And Structure

In the GSR system, we work with flows (resources, opportunities, talents, and human potentials) and structure (a person’s place and hierarchy within the family, world, and system). These are subconscious parameters of the human psyche. That is, we do not change objective


Children and Learning

For a while now, I’ve been working on a case with a teenage girl in Europe who wants to study in England. We’re addressing health, life forces, communication challenges, and social adaptation. Step by step, a path forward is emerging – a