Do you remember this story? Whichever way a mother chose to raise her child, none could satisfy him, and he would still grow up unhappy… We are lifelong little vulnerable children who, at a certain point, come to feel disappointed and devalued
For a while now, I’ve been working on a case with a teenage girl in Europe who wants to study in England. We’re addressing health, life forces, communication challenges, and social adaptation. Step by step, a path forward is emerging – a
Do you remember this story? Whichever way a mother chose to raise her child, none could satisfy him, and he would still grow up unhappy… We are lifelong little vulnerable children who, at a certain point, come to feel disappointed and devalued
Not so long ago a client came to me asking if we can help one of the children overcome shyness. For those who don’t know, in GSR if a parent is concerned about something going on with his(her) child, first we deal
I often work in GSR sessions with children and parents. The reason for coming to a session is a problem that seems to be almost impossible to solve in reality, usually a child’s illness or some peculiarity of development that worries the