
Chapter 6. The Enigma Of Our Internal World

Have you ever thought when everything started? When you as a human being started? Your desires, your anger, your talents? We already know somehow from the science of genetics that all our abilities, talents and lack of abilities and talents, our internal


Chapter 5: Everything Is An Energy

Everything in this universe is an energy. We know this from our courses on physics. However, have you ever thought of yourself as an energy? Maybe yes, maybe not… However, this is something that is true and intangible: you are an energy,


Chapter 3. Become Yourself With GSR

One of the main advantages of the GSR technique is that you will be able to go deeper and deeper into your own psyché, your consciousness. You will understand better why you are doing these choices, why this happens in your life.


GSR And Yoga: Body And Mind Connection

In Yoga there are 5 layers of the Man as a material and energy structure (Koshas):  Anna maya kosha (physical body),  Prana maya kosha (includes breathing and 5 sense organs, organs of movement, 7 chakras)  Mano maya kosha (mind)  Vijnana maya kosha


GSR And Karma

Some people are worried that if they change their subconscious scenarios with the help of GSR and create a new better life for themselves, they will avoid a fair punishment for their past dids and escape from karma therefore.  Karma is a