
GSR Diagnostics

Every time I am impressed with the GSR diagnostics and never cease to admire this tool. Diagnostics allows you to reveal what the human mind and logic cannot control. What is not obvious to the subtle calculations, sharp eye, analysis and reflection.


Repair Of Life

I often see that people expect a miracle from the GSR sessions – I need to go to a magician (a specialist), make a session, and everything will work out and solve a problem or even a series of problems that have


Chapter 9. The GSR World

Your wonderful journey to our inner world starts today. We are discovering together how our inner world is built. Some of these fields were somehow described in different spiritual and scientific books on our consciousness and the structure of the universe. However, this is the first complete,


Mom And Dad

No matter where you go, no matter how old you are, a healed connection with parents’ resources is the foundation of any person’s life at any stage of life. Connecting with the power of your family system is your firm ground beneath


7 Undeniable Advantages Of The Method GSR

In today’s world, there are an incredible number of ways and methods of working with yourself. From classical psychology to affirmations, training, and the Tarot. In general, there is something for every taste. I have tried them on myself quite a few


The GSR And Psychotherapy

Are they compatible? What is the difference? Are there advantages to each method? Recently the client with whom we have been working for several months asked a question about these two approaches to working with myself. I decided to collect in one


Daria Ivanova: “Manifest Yourself”

The GSR method is well known in one-to-one consultancy. Recently a few projects emerged that integrated the GSR method as a part of their broader agenda. This interview is with Daria Ivanova, who has created her own course on self-presentation, based on


Chapter 8. The GSR System Modules

Let us start with the introduction to the GSR methodology. This article is inspired by the official information available on the GSR System website. The GSR is a superior system of self-development created by Dmitry Ustinov as a result of more than 25