

Today I want to share something very unusual. In my opinion, it is absolutely amazing: a journey through time, into the depths of oneself, and a societal device all in one. I don’t think there are enough words to encompass and fully


Stage Fright

I’ve been singing🎤since childhood and have considerable experience in public performances. Still, stage fright had been a big problem. Before GSR I’d use different mind tricks to handle it. They somewhat helped, I could control my body and voice, and usually the


GSR: Before And After

4 years ago, I was kept afloat only by everyday therapy, yoga and spiritual practices (mantras, satsangs, reiki). If I stopped practicing even for a few days, I felt drained and slid into depression. My well-being was only a veneer. Underneath the

The GSR Day

The GSR Day – JENEVE (song), Olga de Benoist (lyrics) (Verse 1)Well, there’s a system, so deep and grand,GSR’s the name, it’s the best in the land,It’s got the knowledge, it’s got the style,Helps you find answers, mile by mile. (Chorus)GSR, you’re


GSR Academy

Within the GSR system, there is a fascinating project for those ready to expand and grow into the vast opportunities of their consciousness and life. This initiative is called the GSR Academy (aGSR). Throughout the existence of GSR, there have been three

Unlocking Potential: A Journey With The GSR

The GSR system stands as a profound development tool, born out of Dmitry Ustinov’s 25 years of diverse experience in personal development practices and methods. Established in 2014, GSR has evolved into a universal system of transformational tools empowering modern individuals to


“Eat Pray Love” Expert

The expert hierarchy created in the GSR system gives every GSR practitioner or specialist the opportunity to move more purely and honestly in their development (rank, depth).          Without an expert, the mentee has no chance to see his dark sides, especially if

About Balance Between Work And Family

For some time now I have been looking for the secret of balance between work and family. And this morning, when I managed to lie in bed for 1.5 hours, and then they even brought me coffee, I caught myself thinking that

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