About Balance Between Work And Family

For some time now I have been looking for the secret of balance between work and family.

And this morning, when I managed to lie in bed for 1.5 hours, and then they even brought me coffee, I caught myself thinking that it was Sunday on the calendar, and I had 4 people on my schedule, alternating with my spouse. He also has clients today. And human logic comes into play, that on Sunday you need to rest. I begin to look inside myself, honestly noticing that I don’t want to rest.

In fact, I allowed myself something new, because not every morning I allow myself to lie down for 1.5 hours. I can even say that I forgot when it was for the last time.

It turns out that I saw such a moment that my work and my profession were so woven into my life! It is already so combined in it that I choose myself, based on my inner feeling, when and how many clients to assign.

I determine myself the workload and their number. My work is my life.

And so I saw such a cool point that a person who has a job that he needs to go to, it seems to have been taken out of the context of his life. That is, I came to the office at 9 am, devoted myself to work, and at 6 pm I got myself back.

If he has enough time and energy for himself, he still lives and does something after 6 pm, and if he doesn’t have enough, then … goodbye. Home, food, children, dog, cat, husband – and the next morning everything is the same.

So, in my world this has not been the case for a very long time. As soon as I started working very closely as a GSR specialist and went deeper into this, I realized that my profession, my work, is a kind of flow. Main, key flow, main vector. And the more I work in it, the more stable I stand in it. This flow gives me self-development, expansion, a point of contact to see my strengths and weaknesses and to change them.

It seems to me that this is just a dream profession, because I have never seen anything else or similar in society, where a work, if you work in a profession, becomes part of life.

They say: “If your work becomes a hobby, then you will not work a day.”

I would definitely change this phrase to: if your work becomes your life, you will live every day.

Work as a GSR specialist allows you to live every day. Your life, that you choose!

©Translated by Maria Neugodova

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