
Chapter 3. Become Yourself With GSR

One of the main advantages of the GSR technique is that you will be able to go deeper and deeper into your own psyché, your consciousness. You will understand better why you are doing these choices, why this happens in your life.


GSR For Consulting Business

GSR: Superior Development System The GSR is a deep self-development system created in 2016 by Dmitry Ustinov, a spiritual researcher, mathematician and IT-developer living in Thailand. The GSR is: Any problem can be solved. Any goal is achievable. Motto of the First


A GSR Session: How To Prepare To It?

SET-UP A MEETING Find out a GSR specialist that suits you the most. You can read information about certified GSR specialists and their client cases on the website GSR-World.com. Contact him or her and book a session worldwide (online) or in your


A GSR Session: How It Works

In this article I would like to give you some insights about the work of a GSR specialist. How we deal with a symptom. How to solve deep problems and go to our goals through a GSR session. How to find the

Transformation Of Consciousness

What is the main difference between GSR and psychology and other practices aimed at working with human consciousness? GSR allows you to transform your consciousness to come to the desired states and feelings. And this happens in the shortest possible time. Sometimes in

Chapter 1: How I Started My Life With GSR

Any problem can be solved. Any goal can be achieved. This is a motto of GSR and the whole system of study. (Dmitry Ustinov) GSR entered my life in August 2020, when I was in Brittany. I remember this day. My beloved husband

GSR: A Wonderful Journey To Our Inner World

Hello! My name is Olga de Benoist. I am an author, a project manager and a GSR practitioner. Today I would like to introduce to you GSR, a revolutionary method of self-development, created 5 years ago by a Russian researcher Dmitry Ustinov.