Until a certain moment, I thought I didn’t have any problems with my eldest son… Then with puberty incoming and girls drawing his attention the word dating came into his world But before that he started behaving differently, making me think that I
Not so long ago a client came to me asking if we can help one of the children overcome shyness. For those who don’t know, in GSR if a parent is concerned about something going on with his(her) child, first we deal
Case Study. How Julie handled her horrible-boss situation with GSR technique. Julie literally hated the man, although she had never thought she had been capable of having such a feeling towards anyone.His ignorance, manipulations, arrogance, and lack of staff recognition had driven
How to stop suffering from emotional pain and embrace joy, love, and confidence with GSR Before coming across GSR I had been living feeling sent off by mistake or exiled to this planet into these dark times, feeling I don’t belong here.