
I have always wanted to experience love, to be able to give love, to be love.

But I never reflected on the fact that I would like to be loved.

And now, I opened myself to this. And I created this possibility for myself!

And now it simply is. Everything is so simple.

It is enough to simply open up to what you truly want.

I thought I wanted to love. And I grew into this.

But I never opened myself to wanting to be loved.

And it is precisely then that the connection between the internal and external occurs. That balance and resource growth.

I was always fixated on how to grow in order to give more and more to this world.

But it doesn’t work that way. If you give all the time, and receive nothing in return, then there is a feedback loop breakdown.

This sooner or later leads to exhaustion.

And now that the flow is established back and forth, I feel – really, this was possible?

The answer to the question – why are you in this world? And my deepest compensation – have resolved.

I came into this world to love, create, and give of myself. Completely. And now I opened myself to how much wonderful things this world can give me in return!

Isn’t this a miracle?

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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