
About Arthrosis

The client is a woman, 72 years old. She had pain in her left shoulder for about 6 months. Doctors diagnosed it as arthrosis.

She was treated with medications and injections. From time to time it got better, but her shoulder was bothering her and the pain did not go away. When her shoulder began to ache more and it became difficult to lift her arm, she asked for a GSR session.

The session included scenarios of aversion to men. The desire to sizzle, ruin the relationship, to finish off the last thing she has. There were different scenarios of resentment, rejection of her feminine essence and disgust with masculinity. 

By transforming tendency after tendenc during the GSR session, the woman began to feel more relaxed and harmonious. The tension in the shoulder area and in the body as a whole was gone. There was more feminine softness and openness to life in general. The energies of smoothness, relaxation in relation to the spouse and the male part of the population as a whole have been built in the woman’s system. There appeared an openness to her feminine nature. There is no reason to ruin yourself and to get the man next to you.

The client’s feedback after 2 days after the GSR session

“My shoulder is aching a little bit, but it’s easier. My husband is softer, he even helped me clean and vacuum. In the morning he saw me off, closing the door behind me. I feel very good. I sleep better now”.

After a week, the woman noticed more lightness in the shoulder area and more freedom in her left hand. There was more reciprocity in her relationship with her husband. There was more warmth of heart and more family unity with her grandchildren.

After a month, the woman reported that her shoulder had stopped bothering her.

“Olga, I want to share with you the results after the session. My left shoulder was very painful, I couldn’t lift my arm. Now I am fluent in my arm, exercise, run, and of course work. My relationship with my husband has improved. My husband takes care of me, sometimes he even cooks dinner, gives me something to eat and closes the door behind me when I go to work. We started going for walks together”.

Remember, all illnesses come from nerves. At the root of almost all diseases of the body are psychosomatic causes, rooted in the ancestral scripts of our previous generations

The GSR session effectively works through all those feelings, states, triggers that triggered the formation of illnesses in the body.

This increases the effectiveness of medical treatment and promotes an effective restoration of the body’s health.

Take care of yourself. Be sensitive to yourself.

Come to the GSR session without waiting for critical marks in your health.

The GSR is a deep system of development for the health of not only your inner world, but also for the health of your physical body.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Olga Kryukova

Olga Kryukova is a GSR Specialist since 2018, in the GSR System since 2017. She is a member of the GSR Academy, 2nd stream, a PRO Expert of GSR, an Expert of mRang with her project "Find Out What Is Your Own Business"

She did over 3500 client sessions and complex cases, over 3000 sessions to herself. She has got lots of testimonials and dozens of cases.

She does GSR sessions in all fields (generic, intergeneric and structural fields), GSR Diagnostics with the tool "Good Decision".

She is also a Psychologist in Moscow Business Academy. Her specialty is Psychology of personality.

She has more than 20 years in self-development practices.

She got connections to 2 deep sources: 2 Sources of Evolution of consciousness in Egypt and the Source of Happiness.

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