
At the end of the post there is a question just for you… Let’s talk simply about the complicated. Psychosomatics is the connection between psychological factors and disease. Health is a natural state. Disease is information from your body about

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About Arthrosis

The client is a woman, 72 years old. She had pain in her left shoulder

Child’s Slouch

Is a child’s slouch an age-related growth or a psychological problem? At the heart of

What Issues Does the GSR Address?


Where to Start the Work with the GSR? This is just a small part of what the GSR can improve. The GSR method provides an opportunity for anyone to significantly enhance their quality of life, vitality, confidence, and life satisfaction, eliminate problems, achieve goals, enter self-realization and happiness, and unfold the best talents, abilities, and potentials in themselves and their

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What Is A Symptom?

Imagine a tangled ball of multicolored thread. Very much tangled, with loops

The Power Of Consciousness. If There Were No GSR


For a long time I could not start writing this post. I lived, thought, felt … I was looking for something central and most significant. I didn’t want to repeat myself. I have written many times about the dramatic and priceless changes in my life that have happened with GSR. I wanted to catch something else, something more important than everything that I

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Today I want to share something very unusual. In my opinion, it is absolutely amazing: a

Stage Fright

I’ve been singing🎤since childhood and have considerable experience in public performances. Still, stage fright had been


At the end of the post there is a question just for you… Let’s talk simply about the complicated. Psychosomatics is the connection between psychological factors and disease. Health is a natural state. Disease is information from your body about a disadvantage. Many diseases are triggered by stress, exclusion and non-recognition, inability to present myself, the feeling that I am not loved, not appreciated… This is what the body “tells” you about these conditions. Any disease is a signal of our inner state, coded in the language of the body. How to solve this puzzle? First of all, pay attention:

About Arthrosis


The client is a woman, 72 years old. She had pain in her left shoulder for about 6 months. Doctors diagnosed it as arthrosis. She was treated with medications and injections. From time to time it got better, but her shoulder was bothering her and the pain did not go away. When her shoulder began to ache more and it became difficult to lift her arm, she asked for a GSR session. The session included scenarios of aversion to men. The desire to sizzle, ruin the relationship, to finish off the last thing she has. There were different scenarios of

Child’s Slouch

Is a child’s slouch an age-related growth or a psychological problem? At the heart of the process of curvature of the spine can be mistakes made by parents in their behavior toward their children, our so-called “upbringing”. For example, when a parent believes that only he is right and his opinion is the most important, and the child’s opinion is not taken into account: “What do you understand or know?”. Such authoritarian parenting is a form of domestic violence. Under such “authoritarian upbringing” a child begins to hide in his slouch, he wants to become smaller, lower, younger, more invisible,

It’s Been 5 Years Since I Got Rid Of My Allergy

Today’s world demands modern solutions.For 27 years I have been looking for a way to get rid of allergies.I found it. It’s the GSR method. A modern method of working with the subconscious mind. I finally solved my allergy problem in a few days. I’ve suffered from allergies for 27 years It was the summer of 1992, and I’m in the hospital with a severe asthma attack. I’m 12 years old. I was injected with 5 huge IV syringes with all sorts of remedies to relieve the attack.  Later, the asthma went away by age of 16, but the allergies

Runny Nose

Probably everyone at least once in his life had rhinitis: swollen red nose, watery eyes, severe headache due to shortness of breath, often with fever and endless nasal discharge, causing terrible discomfort. The cause of illness can be more than just a draft, cold and recently soaked feet. A runny nose and a cold can have deeper causes. Psychosomatics of rhinitis in adults There can be several psychosomatic causes of rhinitis in adults (see below). But they all have something in common: they affect self-esteem and self-assessment, inner dissatisfaction with oneself.  There is the following example: a person has an

Why Does Throat Get Sore?

It is thought that this happens because of: can be the cause of a sore throat. But is this the only cause of inflammation of the nasopharynx and tonsils? If we look at these diseases from the perspective of psychosomatics, we can see the picture differently. What scenarios I’ve tracked in my clients who have been dealing with throat problems. A person is afraid to perform in public, and his body is looking for a way out of the “crisis” situation for him. How can this be avoided? Sore throat and hoarseness of the voice! Perspiration, unpleasant feeling of a

GSR Client’s Case Study: “Psychosomatics. Allergy. GSR”


Here is an article on how I got rid of allergies after two GSR sessions. Enough time has passed to describe the result, which was very persistent. First I will describe what was before. Since I was about 11 years old, from time to time I used to get this thing. Any moisturizing of the body (shower, bath, sea, river, just sweating) caused a strong itching. The itching would occur by itself, passed by itself, and was rarely manifested by a rash. But for the last five years the itching has become more frequent, sometimes just before going to bed