The Path

Walking your own path means constantly choosing your own path. Nothing is more important.

Neither the comfort zone, nor friends, nor adversaries, nor loved ones, nor activities, commitments, and obligations—nothing should distract from the path.

Because this path is you.

It’s great if everything you encounter on your path weaves into this path.

But it doesn’t always happen that way.

Most often, your path conflicts with what is already in your life.

And then the task is to find balance and resolve this conflict.

Depth denies nothing and rejects nothing.

In depth, there is everything. And everything connects with everything.

But sometimes on the way, you have to make choices.

Healthy keys are choices made in the Flow of Life.

What strengthens life, vital forces, what allows a person to flourish, revive, and become more alive—that is a healthy choice.

Everything that pushes a person away from life is an unhealthy choice.

Everything is simple.

Every second, we make this choice on our path. Tick-tock. Life-death, life-death.

Life unites everything.

Death destroys everything.

By opening more and more to life, we choose a path to ever greater life, love, and happiness.

And then, on this path, you can do everything else. What is important to you.

You can build a career, establish relationships, create a business, improve health, have children, achieve recognition, and realize yourself in society.

All this is possible when you follow the Flow of Life.

When you choose your own path, not someone else’s.

There is no identical path. Everyone has their own path. Even loving partners have their own path. Although they can walk together.

But every path leads to one place.

That is, no matter which road you take, you will get to where you need to be.

The next level is when you can, bypassing the path, immediately find yourself where you are going.

This possibility exists, though it is not available to everyone.

You can choose the path. You can immediately step to where you are going, without experiencing it in reality.

Anything is possible.

The main choice is to walk.

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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