
GSR And Yoga – Mastering Of The Mind

One of the definitions of yoga in Sanskrit is ‘chitta vritti nirodhah’ which could be translated as ‘elimination of the mind disturbances’ or ‘mastering of the mind’. Imagine that everything that happens within your inner world – appears there only by your intention and will. Any thoughts or emotions are under your control, you can easily cope with sorrow, anxiety, anger, annoying thoughts and obsessive ideas. Isn’t it amazing? 

In yoga there is such a concept as ‘I’m not that’. According to it, a person can disassociate with his or her emotional state with the help of some practices. One can understand – ‘I’m not that body, I’m not that thought, I’m not that feeling’, etc, by the regular practicing of antar mouna, chidakasha, etc. Person should train being in the ‘witness’ state to be able to observe his feelings instead of experiencing it. 

Moreover, there are such terms in yoga as ‘sukha’ (joy) and ‘dukha’ (sadness). Both of these are considered to be a deviation from the ‘equanimity’ state. Equanimity (upeksha) does not mean indifference or that one doesn’t care about somebody or something. It is an essential basis for the unconditional love and happiness to arise, and for the mastering of the mind as well. Yoga practitioners are striving to rich Upeksha, but it is fully available for the enlightened beings. 

With the GSR technique one can become a Master of his mind from the very beginning as the 1st module practitioner. When the person starts to do GSR sessions for himself, he trains to maintain a ‘balanced’ state. It helps him to be aware of his feelings but at the same time not deep into it. If something is disturbing him, he can do a GSR session, and this feeling will go, and he will become neutral to this situation. 

GSR specialist after familiarization with the 2nd module works in the ‘nil’ state. It is reached by the special technique, it helps a person not to be involved into the family scenarios and other subconscious programs. A GSR specialist does the sessions for the other people and for himself from that state. 

‘Balanced’ state and ‘Nil’ state becomes deeper and deeper with the help of practicing GSR. Therefore, the process of the mastering of the mind becomes predictable and controlled. 

Juliya Panasyuk

I'm in GSR for 5 years, and this system changed my life drastically. During this time I got married, gave a birth to a daughter after 11 years of infertility, moved to a subtropical climate from cold Siberia. Now I'm a GSR specialist, an expert, and I would be happy to guide you to your goals with the help of unique GSR system.

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