How To Find Woman’s Happiness?

I have always dreamed of becoming a mother. Literally from an early age, I imagined that this would be my maximum happiness / success / self-realization. And I was even sure that being a mother is simple, natural; that it is as if “sewn” into every woman.

Interestingly, I even chose a spouse through the “good dad” parameter for my children.

But with the birth of my first child, I realized that I could not cope. I constantly wanted to run away and give up everything, it was unbearable for me to reassure my son, I felt that I was losing myself, that every day I simply existed and waited for the child to fall asleep and lived in these small breaks in his sleep. And, of course, ironically,my son was restless, he had atopic dermatitis, which exhausted both him and me. Everything in my life fell down: health, relationships, I was always on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

I reached a stupefied, exhausted state and did not know what to do with myself, because inside of me it was unbearably painful from the fact that I was a terrible mother.

I tried many different methods, took various courses on motherhood, was in communities, read a ton of literature, various healers, psychosomatologists worked with me, because I thought that the reasons were his diagnosis. I was supported by my husband, but nothing helped.

And, one day, I came across a video by Dmitry Ustinov on YouTube about how a human being works, how family processes influence him, and I really resonated with what and how he talked about … So I got acquainted with the GSR methodology (Superior System of Self-development) of which he was the author. The feedback from those who tried the GSR sessions impressed me and I decided to give it a try.

And it changed my whole life.

The first state that the specialist worked with me was “Hopelessness with my son”. After the session, I was in shock, as my condition became much better, this inner trash let me go and I seemed to feel that I could live. You know, it’s like you have been living in extreme stress, pressure, and fog for several years, and after an hour of the session you are completely released, and you belong to yourself again.

And I realized that I want to work on myself in this way. I want to learn how to manage my states myself, and not be living those emotional states, everything that rises inside.

Then I was on maternity leave, and we barely fit into our family budget, but I was so inspired that I bought the video lessons of the First module of GSR at the first opportunity. This is such a first step in working with yourself and any of your emotional states. During the day, I reviewed all the video tutorials and began to try to do a session for myself.

Since then, I have been working with myself literally every day. And every day I develop myself, my stability, I become more and more myself, and I am not a play of my family programs.

In fact, I quickly got out of the difficult conditions that accompanied me throughout my motherhood. I realized that even if my son did not have a diagnosis, I would still suffer, because inside me there are practically no energies (family experience) about happy motherhood. GSR just helps to see, realize, and change those programs that we got as our generic experience and these scenarios totally (!) control us. In my case, the birth experience about motherhood is survival, heaviness, self-sacrifice.

In the future, working even more with myself, I realized that being a happy woman is a superpower in which it is important to grow and work through all the pain of women of my family that is inside.

I have always looked for reasons in myself, but I would never have thought that I am just a continuation of everything that was before me. And I consist of stories-destinies of all those who were before me in my family branch.

The First module of GSR gave me the experience of a profound change in myself and, as a result, a change in my life. Just working on myself with 1 GSR module, I was able to establish contact with my children and my husband, I was able to overcome my barriers and start doing what I love, I made my hobby (astrology) – source of income, created and am creating my courses, quit my job, increased my income x25 times, started to present myself (in social media), worked through the fear of speaking, moved to another country and have been living on an island in Thailand for 2 years now, traveling has appeared in my life. In general, I greatly improved the quality of my life and the lives of children.

The old me could never have achieved this.

And I created this myself, simply working through 1 GSR module all those states that prevent me from moving towards my happiness.

Any state can be worked out, any! With 1 GSR module, you can get out of any difficult conditions, overcome your fears and achieve your desires.

And if you want to learn how to manage yourself and your life, improve it, be happier, then 1 GSR module is the best tool on this path.

©Translated by Maria Neugodova

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