Why Does Throat Get Sore?

It is thought that this happens because of:

  • general overcooling of body
  • infection
  • excessive consumption of cold drinks or ice cream 

can be the cause of a sore throat.

But is this the only cause of inflammation of the nasopharynx and tonsils?

If we look at these diseases from the perspective of psychosomatics, we can see the picture differently.

What scenarios I’ve tracked in my clients who have been dealing with throat problems.

  1. Fear of performing in public

A person is afraid to perform in public, and his body is looking for a way out of the “crisis” situation for him. How can this be avoided? Sore throat and hoarseness of the voice! Perspiration, unpleasant feeling of a lump, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis – and a person has a good reason to refuse to perform.

An acute sense of insecurity, fear of appearing ridiculous and incompetent when speaking, leads to a decrease in local immunity, the body’s defense response is reduced, giving the green light for pathogenic microflora to infect the throat with bacteria.

2. Unspoken emotions and desires

There are people who try to keep all their emotions to themselves. They are more silent in order not to “lose face”, to create a good opinion of themselves, to create a certain image of themselves or not to hurt the feelings of others. But constant self-restraint can lead to spasm, stiffness, tightness, suppression of self-expression.

To overcome these problems, a person will have to learn to speak their mind, let go of grudges, and finally think about himself, not those around him.

3. Unloved Work

A person who is constantly dissatisfied with his work will subconsciously look for any excuse to at least periodically slack off from it. Psychosomatic sore throat in adults often has these very roots – a sore throat becomes a valid reason for not going to the workplace for a while, to give time to oneself.

Fighting the problem is useless if you do not change your job and do something that will give you pleasure.

4. Inability to accept changes in life

A sore throat can be associated with a sudden change in life that a person is forced to accept. For example, he does not want to move to another city, but circumstances require it. 

There is an internal imbalance and discomfort that requires an exit. And this often provokes the development of angina.

5. Creative Crisis

Often it is creative individuals who deny themselves creative expression who are prone to psychosomatic diseases.


By working through such scenarios with a GSR session, one will not only improve the quality of one’s life, but also allow the body to remain healthy and energetic.

Let yourself take care of yourself and your health!

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Tatiana Kotlova

I was born in a family of doctors, graduated from a medical school and worked for 25 years in the state clinic as a doctor of the highest qualification category.

In my life I practiced the Bronnikov system, was trained in the school of cosmoenergetics, energy healing, Reiki practices, dynamic meditations of Osho, I am a certified practitioner of Dakini meditation, Source Awakening, Kali meditation, worked with the generic system.

5 years ago a new system of self-knowledge and self-development - the GSR - appeared in my life, and I changed my profession from doctor to a GSR specialist.

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