
What Issues Does the GSR Address?

  1. Health, Safety, Life
    – GSR sessions delve into safety, resilience, and the enhancement of inner vitality.
    – Fears, barriers, anxiety, fatigue, and stagnation can be addressed during GSR sessions, working with deep-seated emotions and states.
    – Negative states related to the session’s theme dissipate permanently, revealing new resources and potentials.
  2. Relationships
    – The GSR addresses relationship: between men and women, parents and children, family members, colleagues, clients, bosses, and business partners.
     – Relationship is often built on resources or compensations, depending on our internal states. Working on conflicts, fears, unwarranted expectations, resentments, ruptures, self-doubt, contact, and closeness enables the creation of more productive, resourceful, and happy connections with others.
  3. Self-Esteem, Quality of Life, Self-Confidence, Resources, Self-Realization
    – Many disruptions hinder the unfolding of personal potential and talents.
    – Working with oneself using the GSR method can bring about positive changes, allowing one to pursue dreams, improve well-being, and become more aligned with personal goals.
  4. Knowledge, Learning, Creativity, Creation, Self-Realization in this World
    – The GSR helps uncover and develop internal resources and potentials related to knowledge, learning, creativity, and self-realization.
    – The GSR method assists in working through internal potentials and fears, allowing individuals to become more authentic and aligned with their aspirations.

Where to Start the Work with the GSR?

  • Money Flow Session: it addresses financial challenges, perceptions, and the ability to attract and manage money.
  • Rank Session: it works with the internal structure of personality, allowing individuals to engage with others authentically and efficiently.
  • Adequacy Session (Person, Tasks, Goals, Situations): it clears disruptions in a specific area, creating a clean resourceful connection.
  • Goal Session (Complex Work on Achieving Any Goal): A session or a series of sessions to work towards achieving specific goals.
  • Health, Psychosomatics, Body Perception Session: it focuses on resolving psychosomatic issues and their root causes.
  • Orgasm, Sex Session: it liberates life energy for relationships, pleasure, and enjoyment of life.
  • Resource Flow Session: it Identifies and works on the primary resource and potential for personal development.
  • Self-Presentation Session: it works on presenting oneself in the world, competing for resources, excelling in interviews, negotiations, and achieving success.
  • Business Session (Comprehensive Business Growth): Comprehensive support for business development.

This is just a small part of what the GSR can improve. The GSR method provides an opportunity for anyone to significantly enhance their quality of life, vitality, confidence, and life satisfaction, eliminate problems, achieve goals, enter self-realization and happiness, and unfold the best talents, abilities, and potentials in themselves and their loved ones.

Live the life of your dreams!

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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