
What Is The GSR System?

The GSR is a deep self-development system, created in 2014 by Dmitry Ustinov on the basis of 25 years of experience in various practices and methods of self-development. It is a universal system of transformational tools with which any person can solve his problems, achieve his goals, can develop his consciousness, change and create his life.

The GSR is a practical system based on the experiences of thousands of people who really changed their lives. It does not suggest adhering to any concepts, beliefs or rules. Anyone with any worldview can use the tools of the system to solve their problems.

In today’s world, where many strive to find ready-made answers to the pressing questions of human life, the GSR becomes the space where everyone can find answers within themselves, deeply know themselves and change, build their own life without trying to repeat someone else’s path or copy strategies. GSR tools orient persons to increase their own adequacy, honesty with themselves, purity, efficiency and completeness of their life.

The effectiveness of GSR tools is due to the fact that they allow you to work with human problems and tasks at the causal level – at the level of deep unconscious programs and inherited generic scenarios.

Also among the system tools there are:

  • work in the intergenerational field (with processes and social interaction)
  • structural field (with the energy of place, size)
  • spiritual field
  • work with mental traumatisme and much more.

The system is in constant development and continues to explore the nature of human consciousness.

The main tool of the system is the methodology of The First Module of GSR, which is available for anyone to master. Its motto is: “Any problem is solvable, any goal is achievable”. With the help of the First Module of GSR, anyone can learn how to work with their generic energies and states, restore their inner resource to change their lives and move towards important results.

Then anyone can move on to the following modules for a step-by-step familiarization with the capabilities of the system. In addition to personal development, the method provides opportunities for professional growth through work with other people.

The GSR System has trained specialists who help familiarize themselves with the technique and use its possibilities in different areas of life, from the very first independent sessions to deep work with subconscious potentials. And also a universal sequence of actions is described, by repeating which any person gets the opportunity to go the way to the fullest disclosure of the potential of his personality and to enter into self-realization.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

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