
The GSR Method: What Does It Work With?

All methods and ways of working with yourself that help to achieve important life changes can be divided into 3 types (they can be used simultaneously):

1. Work with behavior

2. Work with thinking

3. Dealing with feelings

When you work with behavior, you learn new skills, expanding the range of behavioral responses. You are invited to perform new actions in your life. For example, change your diet, introduce good habits, change your appearance, learn to speak differently, make new acquaintances, master self-regulation techniques (breathing, meditation).

A new action will make it possible to change your life a lot, because the context of the new behavior will reveal some of your inner resources that were impossible to reveal under the previous conditions. This works only when there is a resource inside you to form a new behavior and to support its sustainability. It often happens that your new habits and actions are not retained for a long time, because you lack motivation, it turns out for you to be unnatural; and everything returns to normal.

When you work with thinking, you get new knowledge, new focuses and angles of view on the situation, expanding the picture of the world.

Many problems in our life come from the fact that we do not know something and look at the situation very narrowly, stereotyped. A fresh look, a new perspective, up-to-date information can radically change the perception of what is happening and resolve the necessary issue.

It works only when a different view of the situation or new information allows you to reveal energy within yourself that could not manifest itself before. If there is no responsive energy inside you, then the most competent, promising information will not appeal to something inside you, you will insist on your ineffective belief, because this corresponds to your internal states.

When you work with feelings (states, energy) you study what is happening inside you (or inside a person), in your soul. This is an immersion inward in order to analyze and understand one’s feelings, choices, behavior strategies – everything that invisibly forms a person’s life story.

You can know a lot, you can act effectively and correctly, but if there are no corresponding, necessary states inside, then the result will always be unsatisfactory. Today everyone is talking about it: the energy is primary. This is the basis of our life. The same action done by a person with different inner states will lead to completely different results in reality.

Feelings are conscious. Many approaches teach you to be aware of what is happening inside, to understand your feelings. It gives a lot, allows you to better understand yourself. But the main part of feelings in a person manifests itself unconsciously, is beyond the boundaries of human consciousness. These feelings manifest themselves in various life contexts as states that are inadequate to the circumstances.

For example, uncertainty about one’s professionalism when it is obvious and has got confirmation in reality. When you suddenly feel resentment at the action of a loved one when the reasons for his behavior are not yet known. Maybe you feel an outburst of anger at a small child whose behavior is appropriate to his age. Grief, a sense of hopelessness and the inability to rebuild in suddenly changed circumstances. Fatigue and lack of strength when everything is in order in the body.

Such feelings are irrational, rise suddenly from our unconscious, can remain inside for a very long time and are difficult to control and manage. They manifest themselves in a certain life context and do not allow a person to be effective within this context and solve his or her problems. The GSR tools work with these feelings. These tools allow you to transform any inner state, return you to an adequate, resourceful, balanced state, restore connection with reality and make it possible to choose your behavior even in situations where it was narrowly defined before. In a resourceful state, a person’s thinking is automatically rebuilt, fresh ideas come; and a new perception appears. The same thing happens with behavior, as from a resourceful state, as a rule, you want to take more effective actions that lead to results.

GSR tools are designed for modern people to work with their life tasks at the deepest level, at the level of their origins – this is the level of unconscious feelings that we inherit from the ancestral field.

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