
Stage Fright

I’ve been singing🎤since childhood and have considerable experience in public performances. Still, stage fright had been a big problem. Before GSR I’d use different mind tricks to handle it. They somewhat helped, I could control my body and voice, and usually the audience didn’t notice how powerless and tense I actually felt. But this inner struggle made me feel drained after each concert, which stole my joy and eventually became a huge creative block.

When I learned how to do GSR sessions for myself, I decided to conduct an experiment. Just before going on stage I anchored my fear on a piece of paper (a special GSR technique) and worked with it at home. My next concert was a brand-new experience – I felt no fear at all! The invisible border between my regular life and stage just disappeared! I was calm, composed and relaxed, improvised better and could enjoy what I was doing. Instead of a daunting trial, stage became a playground.

It makes me so happy to give the same results to my clients!

A client was afraid of presenting at work. After the session she wrote: “I felt confident, afraid of neither a mic, nor a stage… after the presentation many people approached me with a positive feedback – I’m so happy!… My mind didn’t go blank, I was in control of the situation… it felt very natural”.

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