Runny Nose

Probably everyone at least once in his life had rhinitis: swollen red nose, watery eyes, severe headache due to shortness of breath, often with fever and endless nasal discharge, causing terrible discomfort.

The cause of illness can be more than just a draft, cold and recently soaked feet.

A runny nose and a cold can have deeper causes.

Psychosomatics of rhinitis in adults

There can be several psychosomatic causes of rhinitis in adults (see below). But they all have something in common: they affect self-esteem and self-assessment, inner dissatisfaction with oneself.

 There is the following example: a person has an unloving job, with an angry boss and unfriendly colleagues. Conflicts with colleagues and oneself cause a constant feeling of tension, insecurity, feeling of powerlessness, hopelessness, inability to cope with problems, unspoken resentment, indecision, lack of courage, despair and shame.

That person:

  • is dissatisfied with his life
  • has a strong sense of resentment and frustration
  • has a fear of being rejected
  • is filled with self-pity
  • is experiencing a sense of loneliness.

There is a need to be good, but since there are fears, insecurities and doubts that he will not be perceived and evaluated that way, there may be such a strategy of behavior as keeping silent, holding back something, lying for the benefit of “I’ll keep silent, make everyone better, save relationships, friendships, situations. All actions are haunted by the desire to please.

Such conditions often reveal a blockage in the maxillary sinuses.

Subconsciously a person begins to look for ways to escape from an unpleasant situation. If he gets sick, he has a reason not only not to go to an unloved job, but also to get the attention and care of the people close to him.

Psychosomatics of rhinitis in children

It is interesting that the psychosomatics of a runny nose in children is different from that in adults.

  1. A psychosomatic cause of childhood rhinitis can be stress from going to nursery or school
  2. When a child lacks parental attention, care, warmth, love, he subconsciously begins to manipulate his parents to give him more time, to take pity, to treat him, to begin to take care of him and support him in every way
  3. Psychologists describe situations in which a child “sacrifices” his health for the sake of mom and dad. This is found in families where there are constant conflicts between parents and the child falls ill “for the sake of family peace”. The focus of attention then shifts to the child’s health, and quarrels stop temporarily. 

Psychologists describe situations in which a child “sacrifices” his health for the sake of mom and dad. This is found in families where there are constant conflicts between parents and the child falls ill “for the sake of family peace”. The focus of attention then shifts to the child’s health, and quarrels stop temporarily. 

With the GSR method, it is possible to work through the psychosomatic causes of illness.

Take care and be healthy!

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Tatiana Kotlova

I was born in a family of doctors, graduated from a medical school and worked for 25 years in the state clinic as a doctor of the highest qualification category.

In my life I practiced the Bronnikov system, was trained in the school of cosmoenergetics, energy healing, Reiki practices, dynamic meditations of Osho, I am a certified practitioner of Dakini meditation, Source Awakening, Kali meditation, worked with the generic system.

5 years ago a new system of self-knowledge and self-development - the GSR - appeared in my life, and I changed my profession from doctor to a GSR specialist.

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